I don’t understand Discipline Priests

Probably. Part of the problem with WoW is people often willingly perform worse by playing a high-skill FOTM rather than the easier spec because they don’t know they’re bad at the game. People fail to optimize for their own skill level. So even though Holy would probably be a great choice for the majority of Priests, they will convince themselves they’re good enough to get the pay-off from Disc and then struggle.

Side-note, if Raid design follows from SFO there will probably be a reason to play at least one throughput healer in a raid setting.


If I wanted to be an air traffic controller then I’d actually become one because at least then I’d get paid to do it.


The spec that has been on average head and shoulders above every other healer for the past decade is a failure?


Not sure if they have it still but I remember having a GIANT bubble spell in cataclysm for disc.

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This 100%!

Disc PWS is iconic and rn PWS is only somewhat useful during Rapture. PWS needs significant baseline buffs and Rapture needs adjusted for those major baseline buffs.

Damage also needs buffed – I would prefer to see damage added to the kit via Reflective Shields than on the targetable spells…

Shield Priest that converts excess shielding or reapplied shields at a lower rate to healing seems to be a better theme.

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Are the Priest trees available somewhere that this could be known? Or just one/two key players general vibe who have access to internal builds?

I’m not part of that Discord so I don’t know.

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They are on WoWhead.

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I assume he meant the actual finalized layouts.

Ah, ok. I am not sure they have them finalized even internally yet.

I actually think giving Disc a talent that turns it into a legit caster dps would be pretty cool. Like Glad Stance for prot wars back in WoD. We need more ranged options in this game.


I’d be fine with talents, but every time someone says they should flat out change disc to a dps God kills a kitten, and a unicorn for good measure.


Hopefully they didn’t buff disc at the expense of what makes holy so fun - I don’t want to have to give up the fun I’ve been having because my new main got nerfed into the ground come prepatch

The reason a lot of people struggle to understand disc is because the vast majority of people that play the game, play reactively; there is not a single ounce of forethought that goes into what most players do moment to moment.

It’s part of the reason you see a ton of resto druids just spamming regrowth, or disc priests spamming shadow mend, because damage happens and they’re reacting to it. That’s not how healing is supposed to be done outside of responding to avoidable damage taken. Specs like disc and resto druid thrive when their players are planning for incoming damage, disc gets out evangelism atonements in preparation to radiance and resto loads up hots to prepare to flourish.

When the damage does come, disc reduces and resto is already healing most of it off.

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I’ve never been gud at disc, but I’ve been in a couple RF where a disc was dominating the healing charts by a LOT, so it’s doable, but I think you have to know your “rotation” to a T.

It’s not even a rotation thing, it’s understanding damage patterns.


I PWS everyone constantly. I like disc, never thought I would

:ocean: :mountain: :dragon: :ocean: :mountain: :dragon:

They just need to make discipline a DPS spec already. It was cool when atonement first came out, but now it’s all setup and prep and hope people don’t take avoidable damage. It’s just not as fun as it used to be.

Holy is so much better in virtually every way.

If people constantly take damage that’s avoidable you’re gonna have a real bad time as disc

FTFY. Healers aren’t gods and they don’t let your group ignore major mechanics fails, that’s no different for disc than anyone else.