I do not understand how people roll need when wearing more powerful gear

And the correct answer is this.

You’re only setting yourself up for more disappointment and wasting time worrying about things you have no control over. There are ways for you to achieve better results, but if you’re running solo in pugs without any guildmates or friends, then you are getting the proper dose of results as intended by Blizzard.

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hence why I started the idea with:

To translate, for the ones that can’t comprehend: Most rolling tmog so anyone it is an actual upgrade for has the best shot t get their upgrades, but are PUNISHED by getting denied by the selfish one who games the syestem.

And, again, punishing players for rolling need on an item for whatever their needs happen to be doesn’t fix anything. All you are accomplishing here is making yourself look selfish and entitled. Sorry you missed out on some loot, I guess.



To me, you and the ones who defend things like gaming the system are the selfish and entitled ones. I actually put others first, so why should I get denied loot because selfish pricks roll need for gold or vanity reasons?

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No one’s gaming the system. They are rolling on loot that the game allows them to. Either way, I can see that there is no real discussion to be had with you. I am done. Have a good day.

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So, people can treat others badly, as long as they don’t break any laws. That does not mean they SHOULD treat others badly within the law.

In essence, it just boils down to a slight edit from Jurassic park:
People are so preoccupied with whether or not they can that they didn’t stop to think if they should.

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No one is being treated badly. There are winners, and there are losers. Okay, now I am done. Good day, sir.

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every time i see a thread like this one from OP the only response needed is this one.

followed by a thread closure


Because at that particular moment in time, RNG denied you winning anything.


The winners are those that consider others, the losers are those that roll need a=on everything they can

Because your only defense is the system allows it, against one that says “just cause the system allows it, does not mean it should be done”.

If I roll need, and lose to another need roll, as long as we both legitimately needed it, fine, if I roll T mog and lose to another Tmog roll, fine, those are both RNG deciding I don’t get the loot
If I roll tmog and lose because someone who actually needed it rolls need, fine, thye had higher priority as they should
If I roll Tmog and lose to one rolling need that does not need it (as could be the case of int weapons on say my rogue but the mage/lock/priest/etc has better) is that RNG or someone rolling in a way to guaranty they get the loot?

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It’s quite easy to understand bro. Rolling need has higher priority than rolling greed. Therefore, it is better to roll need, so that I get the item.

It is good for me to recieve items.

Hope this helps.


“I do this thing and deserve loot for it.” Pretty selfish and entitled.


shouldn’t consideration go both ways? If someone points out that you can easily get better gear in Mythic+, people will say that gearing players shouldn’t be pressured to do something they don’t want to. But if someone complains they aren’t allowed to get a transmog unless they’re the only one rolling, they’re told to wait 4 years until it’s soloable. Where’s the consideration there?


It’s pretty selfish and entitled to need LFR loot when you’re already in stronger gear regardless of the reasons you selected the need roll.

Transmog rolls need to actually mean something.

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Transmog is a need. I will 100% get more use out of the item.

And everyone who took part in the content should get an equal chance at loot, regardless of how they’d use it.


The game determines what type of roll(s) you are eligible for on an item. It does not force you to choose to roll, or which type of roll to choose, it just gives you options, as it does for every other player who has a chance to loot said item.


Ideally yes, fact is, most come across as consideration should only apply to those that consider them. If you want me to be considerate of you for rolling need for mog, don’t defend the system and use it to your advantage, but try to come across like if you could get the mog without rolling need you would.

Thing is, if one does LFR for mog, and the loot was set up right (I.E. can’t roll on items when you have higher ilvl/upgrade path/etc in that slot) one could eventually get the mog no matter what, as there could be a point where what drops is not an upgrade for anyone, but a good portion of the raid can use the looks.

Which is why we have threads like this, the options enable selfish players to put themselves above others. What most would be happy with is separating the need rolls from the Tmog rolls in some fashion (Need wins the item to use and the mog, Tmog just wins the mog) So there is no need to, well, roll need just for Tmog.

However, I even said I would be happy or would take such a set up in my first post, but some hunter locked in on the “I wish would happen at times” idea, which could just come from a place of frustration with these threads and defending a flawed system. Ideas from such places are almost always bad ones, but they get mentioned because of idiots that justify being (insert negative thing here) to others by saying the system allows it.

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There is absolutely no guarantee of that. Many players choose to level up additional characters rather than do higher content. Plus at the end of the season there will be an influx of players gearing alts in preparation of the next season. Since lfr is random and open to anyone you will always be with some low gear players. Even more so if they keep tilting the gear towards them.
People talk about the presence of the need button signaling Blizzards intent on strict ilvl priority. To me, the fact that they haven’t combined lfr and normal under once appearance signals an intent for lfr appearances to be enjoyed. I don’t see a reason someone running 10 alts through lfr or insisting on only doing lfr for gear and then wanting priority is any less inconsiderate than transmog rolls.

(edit) I don’t want to sound like I dislike people with alt armies. The point I’m trying to make is that people act like transmog roll is just waiting at the end of the line but in lfr it’s like waiting for a river to dry up.


What could help is giving different color tints/other difficulty equivalents when you get 1, or at least if you get the higher version tint you get the lower difficulty ones too.

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Again, make need and Tmog their own rolls, need gets the item to use and the mog, tmog gets just the mog.

However, I also did say what drops, like if the loot for LFR is set up the same way as it is for normal, an agil staff could drop with no druids, monks, hunters, or at least one it is an upgrade for, is in the group, in which case mages, warlocks, priests, etc would be forced to roll Tmog (they are anyway, for the same reason I have to roll Tmog on int swords/maces/dagger on my rogue) and get it that way.

Another option I support.

One last thing, I am one of those with the “alt army”, yet I still don;t roll need on anythign on my alts that is not an upgrade in some way:
Tier: I get most of this with conversions
Weapons: I do my own crafting for this, and most non-tier slots, so I don’t often need for upgrades, just mog
Rings: stat sticks with no look, no reason to roll need if not an upgrade
Trinkets: similar to rings, but more of a gray area due to effects.

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