I did mage tower, at level 52, proving how mage tower is not difficult AT ALL

Sure, I didn’t.



Get dunked on. I really don’t want to do something for a class I don’t play. I was literally just pressing buttons and whatever glowed. Lol.


“trust my discord pics, bro”

watch this.

I did it on a fire mage, too. Here’s my proof.



Get dunked on.

What do you want, exactly? I’m not posting on a non-classic character. I’d assume my posting links in real-time would be a clue, but I think you’re losing your mind over the fact I know what I’m talking about.


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trust me, bro.

Honestly Clark, I’m impressed… not by your achievement but by the sheer amount of salty hate that you generate from GD…. Almost jealous even. Like I stir up a good amount of hate on the monk forums but nothing like this. I feel for you man, keep up the good work.


Stay mad, brah.

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Congrats Clark

Hello I am here :slight_smile:

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Mad about what? Some rando on the forum claiming they can do something? lol

I didn’t claim, I just showed. Even left you a message in the last screenshot. You can even tell I’m on a roleplay server. Lel.


Power scaling actively killing off max level players with low end gear working as intended.

HOLY CRAP AGATHA FURY IS A JOKE LMAO. 2 Attempts, 1 kill. Oh well, that’s done at least, back to Unholy DK not being able to cleave imps worth a damn.


Unlike Clark, I won’t pretend I didn’t abuse Double Crusader and Hand of Justice.

now do guardian druid. :slight_smile:

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I say it and people are skeptical. I didn’t go with leggos or anything. I just got two heirlooms, put crusader on them, the old PVP set, and called it a day.

Got it to 40%. The only warrior I play is tank. I don’t even know how fury works. I just pressed shining buttons.


I kinda regret the 45 minutes in SoO trying to get socketed weapons now. And the gems I bought to mimic my DK’s set. I think I melted the encounter in like 4 minutes, probably went way overkill. Now if only Unholy could break her Dark Fury shield in 2 GCDs…

That’s pretty much how Fury works.

Press Whirlwind to enable AoE mode for 2 attacks, press buttons if Rampage isn’t shining. Rampage is basically 1 shot kill anything.

Doesn’t matter what “people” say Blizz is looking at it and agrees :man_shrugging:

That is basically how you play fury tbh. Although it is better to use raging blow when you are enraged. As it is one of the big hitters outside of rampage and execute. The former being our rage dump and enrage proccer (outside of RNG with bloodthirst) and the latter only being up at 20% unless it procs the via sudden death talent.

Whirlwind being free makes killing the imps easy.

That sounds more complicated than shiny buttons. I’ma just use shiny buttons.

Not really. Just try and avoid raging blow until you use rampage. Which is a shiny button. Use execute (another shiny button) on cd when it is up. Even if enrage is not up.

Oh, okay. Thanks.