I finally got an allied race.
I’m the proud owner of a Mag’Har Orc Warrior.
Thank you to everyone who helped me get here.
Thank you Blizz, for time gating all the Legion allied races so I’d play some BFA content.
Thankfully, my first main did all the main quests before I went off to level alts because I don’t like playing the lottery.
Thank you, everyone.
Grats! Enjoy your newfound tanned orcy goodness 
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Their heritage armor is beautiful. Grats btw.
I’m still working on my Alliance Allied races but I’ll get there some day. 
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Can I faction change my main after allied races are out to get exalted in both factions?
Gratz. I just got mine unlock yesterday. Made this alt and going to get some rested XP before I start to level.
I assume you mean exalted with Seventh Legion?
The reputation will transfer but you still have to progress through the Faction’s War Campaign to finish the unlock requirements.
I’d suggest just getting Exalted with the Zandalari so you don’t miss out on the Trolls when they come out.
Orchestra starts playing half way through your speech… 
No, but seriously congrats on the AR unlock, still working on mine due to taking a break most of legion and being an alt-o-holic in BFA.
You don’t need to be Exalted with Zandalari you just need to complete the war Campaign.
You do need to be Exalted.
“[Zandalari Empire] may take several weeks to obtain, as you can only earn a limited amount of reputation per time with World Quests and Emissaries. Reference the [Zandalari Empire Reputation Guide] for details on how to obtain reputation.”
That post was 29 days ago. Ion said in the last Q&A that all you need was the war campaign.
That was my understanding.
Congratulations my statuesque shortcake, may you long crush the skulls of your enemies, drink the blood of the slain, and poop in mud huts wherever you may roam.
Here’s Bornakk’s post on it.
An Orcish blessing to you 
Thanks. Load of BS to go through. I’ll have rewatch the video because I must have missed the part for all these requirements. Mostly for the reputation part
It’s like minutes a day…
People managed to do it in week 3 of the expansion.
I almost have it but it’s just more of Blizz hoops to jump through for us seals to get our fish.
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probably the most BS part will be reaching exalted, however the campaign and story line are pretty cool, I think you will enjoy it