I counterspell focus wrath and it doesn't kick the rdruid?


In the future I suggest not linking an 80s video where the cs goes off at 0 seconds XD

I’d check your macro, though. Not sure where the druid is based on the camera angle, but you DO hit what looks like CS arena 2 and the druid keeps casting.

I deleted the vod, I obviously pressed cs1 instead of cs2. I have too many spells and buffs to manage. Frost was perfect in DF and they ruined it by not giving us ring+db+ice nova. FML.

I literally have too many roots and interrupts. Supernova, counterspell, icenova… Like just go back to the classic play style cuz it worked. Which we can’t even do because we have no ice nova. Having no ice nova feels so bad. This is a royal screw up and I am quitting because we can’t get all 3. Won’t be paying them a dime until this fix it, I won’t even play the expansion until I hear a patch note about this quality of life change. Frost mage is not livable without all 3.