I concede!

Lol right. The game director doesn’t know.

game director thought corruption was a good idea


Game director thinks destro is fine too.

Also a fresh alt trying to catch up.


A boomkin.


Has hell frozen over?
Have we been visited by extra terristrials?
Have we achieved world peace?

These are all things I thought I’d see before you saw the light jugga :joy: takes a strong person to admit they’re wrong though!

Yeah it’s pretty fast getting to 450 that way. I finally got my first alt to rank 15 cloak and he has been permanently on the bench lol… I just can’t bring myself to do anymore visions than what my main already does :sob:


Mal is gonna have a stroke. :rofl: :joy: :rofl:


Even post nerf it’s been pretty painful. Most of my alts I strive to get to rank 12 but ironically, it burns me out on them.

I just hit r15 on my hpal last night and I need to farm 2-3 more this evening to grab another ineffable before it rotates off the vendor. Last week I farmed 15 visions in a row on my dh for gushings and it really made me hate them to the point I’m scared of torghast.

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Same lol… I have a few in the 9-12 range where I have the CVS to get to 15 but just can’t get motivated. The one guy at 15 now needs to start doing masks to get momentos for sockets? Also has to raid nylotha to even begin to catch up his res? Bleh just have to accept that he will be permanently behind I guess?

The one thing I’ve heard here is that it’s going to be easy to farm your main legendary… So if you can go in there and get it easily on an alt/main and then only have to go in when you want to? I’d be okay with that…

Like I don’t mind a couple of visions a week. It’s just when I should do even more than that even on my main because he has sockets missing. When I have to do even more than that on every single bloody alt? Bleh just bleh…

Please please let this be so lol

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I don’t like how alts are basically perma behind. I really hope there are catchup mechanisms starting at day 1. Look at the corruption resist you will be behind on your alts. The power creep from corruptions is kinda crazy too.

My dh has nearly 150k mementos and I don’t know if I want to buy the mount or 6 sockets. I haven’t decided what to do yet so I just keep stockpiling them lol…

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sockets are temporary mounts are forever


300 vers on a 475 dh though lol. I keep hoping every tuesday I will get a socket bis piece but not yet. I know if I buy 6 sockets I will get 3 socketed pieces in a row on tuesdays. The rng in this game can be very unhealthy.

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yeah i feel that i have 4 sockets on my druid and have gotten some gear pieces with sockets on it that i just bought the socket for that week -.-

I guess I will end up stockpiling the mementos until 2 weeks before prepatch and have about 600k to spend and ask myself why I just didn’t blow them all earlier.

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I just had that this week! The ultimate kick in the pants.

I legit had a 470 pants that I just socketed. This week in my m+ chest I got the exact same pants 5 ilvls higher with a socket. Like technically it’s an upgrade and technically I don’t have to grind another socket… But f me is it a kick in the pants lol… I have other slots that I needed upgraded more and I just bought that socket :sob:

He was the last guy I checked my crate on and I haven’t logged in on any of my max level characters since lol

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Umm… Did I slide into a different dimension?

Does this one have the Berenstein Bears?

BFA PvP is so bad that it even broke its biggest supporter.



Don’t get me wrong. Pvp is fun when geared. This is mainly about alts.


Sometimes i feel like thats whats always going to happen because it almost always does its same way for gear i remember wanting a new weapon for months i finally get 1 from pvp then all of the sudden they start dropping -.-

The problem isn’t alts. The problem is your alt isn’t a destro lock

Truly, a Juneteenth to remember.

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Naw I get you… I was just ranting about some other things :joy:

Yeah I definitely noticed the trend. The funny thing is these pants are literally identical. Same name, same stats just 5 ilvls. Blew my mind with all the possibilities of m+ loot from the chest I got that with a socket. Just :exploding_head: