I clicked on a shiny thing

and turned into a bee and I could only do 3 things, gather pollen, transfer pollen or flight of the bumble bee. There is no dismount, there is no way to figure out what to do. no matter what I push it says you can’t do that now. there are fire elementals everywhere and they don’t have to be near you to hit you.

so I died. I couldn’t dismount so I could defend my self and I got tired of running from one group of elements to another I just stood there and died…


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If you right click the “buff” in the top right corner where the rest of your buffs are (or wherever you put them), it goes away

Sounds like you needed to bee careful with what you clicked on.


Dwarf, probably had a buzz on.


Right click on the bee buff to remove / turn back to normal form. I have no idea what’s the buff for either lol

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what a beeautiful story, the forums will surely be a buzz on this topic soon.

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Jesus this just happened to me but i ran away instead of dying, but was still stuck. Awful game design.


The lack of an exit action does feel like a nasty UI oversight, I agree. Fortunately for me, I’ve gotten used to looking for buffs to cancel to escape uncooperative vehicles.

I still have a nagging worry there might be some secret associated with this that we never figured out, but at least I eventually semi-mastered the pollen shuffle from flower to seed to earn lots of dewdrops.

In case you were curious as to the purpose of this whole thing (since it’s not explained anywhere at any time that I can find), it’s to take the pollen to the planted Dreamseed and get 7 dewdrops each time.

And no, the right clicking off the buff isn’t intuitive either.

Why are you like this? :sob:

People should really not try to cross pollinate with elementals…didn’t anyone teach you about the elementals and the bees in health class? Har…har

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