I cleared layer 8 with no deaths

Excuse the bad editing as I did this quickly as possible

I don’t think they are hard as people claim it is. 570 ash claimed in the text as proof


ask me anything



Does it make sense to you that the movie " E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial" essentially means “Extra-Terrestrial the Extra-Terrestrial”?


depends heavily on your class. I found floor 8 “managable” but it was one maw of a slog without self healing,

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? Layer 8 became faceroll a few weeks ago.


Why are you censoring your name in the image’s chat but exposing your name here in the forums and on the top right of the image? :thinking:

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Cleared it with the easiest class to do so with.



Layer 8 was easy the day it was released.

The only time I’ve died in the Maw was when I was too busy typing in general chat about politics to push my self heal button after pulling the entire floor.

I guess yea but I still see people ranting about Torghast after the nerf.

It was a bad edit sorry about that.

DId you do it in every spec? You can’t say it’s not as hard as people say it is unless you do it in the spec they did it

I’ve done it with my druid in one of the worst specs and bad gear. Still super easy.

grats. now do the Hoarder achi. :smiley:

You’re a paladin. That’s nothing to be proud of.

Ok, so in that spec you think it’s easy, can’t say it’s easy for every spec

Your a paladin tank, DPS don’t have the same self heal and tankyness as you.

Pallys are over powered. Prot pally sleeps through layer 8.


Ok, now do it in FDK with bad anima

There are two identical Santa orcs typing rn

I did that like the first week of SL launch.

Fury, with anima powers, can have Enraged Regeneration for 2+ minutes and have Bloodthirst on reduced CD.

But my question for OP

What is your next life goal after beating Layer 8?