I cant Warrior (Vent)

If you are sub 220 ilvl you are literally cannon fodder. This expansion ilvl is everything.

There is a far greater weighting on primary stats than every before and sadly Gear > Skill

Arena isnt very forgiving either, with boosts everywhere and pve andy’s.

But rest assured if you do manage to get your ilvl higher, warriors are among the most broken classes in the game. BM currently has that mantle but warriors are still up there.

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lol what??

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Warrior is one of the most OP classes for arena. It’s probably low gear or a l2p issue. Seriously, warriors steam roll everyone. Spin to win.

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This game is rock, paper, scissors and not a single class in this game takes more skill to play than another. The only skill related aspect to this game is learning how to effectively use CDS.

my 210 warrior with 8% versa is 1600 right now. Playing NF, try something new you might enjoy it better.

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but you can fake paper then throw rock.
but what if they know so they fake your fake and throw paper to counter your fake.
mind blown.

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What if there fake counter was really a real counter made to look like a fake counter only than turns out to be a fake counter all along. :scream::scream::scream:

thats deep bro


Our entire conversation would make M.night Shyamalan jelly form all the twists.

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Appreciate all the comments. Just wanted to add that this is my first xpac getting into arenas, and I did manage to get some wins after grouping up with a pally (though I was definitely the weak link)

I haven’t started watching streamers but its my next step in trying to get better

I’m gonna keep at it :slight_smile:

I’m still learning the script haha

I try to make the right choice in the moment, but I clearly still have lots to learn and improve on

a little of both haha, I found I learnt more when I paired with a healer

didn’t say I was giving up :slight_smile:

Ive tried almost every class, but just really like warrior playstyle… i do play pally sometimes

Yeah don’t play double dps comps as a warrior unless it’s a really good Feral or Enhance player. You need someone to sustain you so your damage can run its course.

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so now you are asking for advice??

Just remember when you are playing a warr, you are like a toddler running around in the mall with your parents (your partners, healer, especially) but be better than a toddler and don’t LoS and lose them.

When you’re struggling with warrior try rolling your face the opposite way in your keyboard.

Zugzug harder maybe