agreed. Have some
People like making these posts about how something is going be better than current WoW. I have to disagree. Playing this game if its in Retail or Classic is up to one thing: You the person! If you like the long grind of a 15 year old game more power to you.
I cant wait for classic to come out so its toxic fanbase can leave us alone…hopefully.
Its not the classic game i hate, its the community.
I can’t wait for you to never play retail again either.
No Tokens in Classic. So people will be forced to either pony up the monthly subscription or play retail to earn gold to buy tokens. Classic can only help retail by boosting revenues overall.
Stuff like this is why a lot of people dislike the Classic community, just FYi.
Gettem Rhour you majestic Moose Man.
I am going to play classic. I will level, gear, progress through the raids until I have Naxx on farm. And then what? This could all take me weeks or years to do but the ending is the same. I will still keep current on retail because I enjoy the new content.
Oh someone with an allied race is posting about how much they hate retail wow and can’t wait for classic.
Never seen this thread before. What a novel concept.
If anything that’ll just prop retail up by keeping subs when normally people would take a break.
I genuinely wonder if people just don’t know how this is going to work. Classic can’t “kill” retail because they’re literally the same subscription. Classic’s entire premise is that zero work has to be put into it by the developers. They can just leave it there in maintenance mode as a sandbox for whoever wants it as the sub money gets spent developing retail.
Bingo right on the money can’t wait for that free money for blizzard coming soon when classic hits to fuel my retail wow ftw!
No one cares about subscriptions, it’s about time played. Classic will definitely be farther ahead in that category. You think their gonna put classic money back into retail instead of upkeeping classic and potential future projects like legacy TBC+? Lol
I mean, yes? Obviously? Upkeep will cost next to nothing and you have no idea how MAUs work. Retail isn’t going anywhere. Enjoy your static, outdated sandbox.
It has at least 2 to 3 years of content. I’d say that is pretty good for a game. People need to stop worrying about what is going to happen and just enjoy Classic for what it is, a museum piece.
If you think so, that’s good. More power to you!
Either way, a museum piece is a good way to describe it.
Its the only product Blizzard has EVER released that is intentionally going to be devoid of updates and development.
That’s really unique in its own right. It means if you make a paladin in August 2019 it will be the exact same class in August 2021.
But honestly, I know sooo few people who have steadily played Classic for 2 years. Maybe no one.
Everyone constantly starts over in this game, and I think that is painfully ironic.
I think everyone’s favorite thing about Classic is the idea of starting fresh. They like the hustle and bustle of everyone leveling new toons and seeing how the hierarchy fleshes out.
No one actually wants to play a single toon for years straight in Classic, it seems.
I feel like I am the only one, most days.
I think people are going to be shocked by the amount of alliance players that ditch retail for classic. If its like everquest the high end raid guilds will stay mostly on the retail ( and most of the High end guilds are horde) or as we called in in EQ “Live” servers and the old school retired players and casual players will flood to the classic server.
No, no they don’t. (inc TLDR)
It baffles me every single time this is brought up and it seems like erry’one got amnesia… Cataclysm lost RECORD subs… plummeted! Do you think Blizzard made any effort to rectify things after that?
No. Talent trees are still lackluster to almost unnecessary. You can no longer tailor your class to your playstyle.
The story was … meh. Very meh. After something as epic as the Lich King, Cataclysm just didn’t follow in the footsteps.
Things got a little better with Pandaria… only a little. Do ya’ll also forget the removal of Valor/Justice Points to almost nothing? They funneled us into Dailies that rewarded so few points it felt like torture. No more perfecting your skill in heroics. They weren’t worth it. Then the gear available to purchase with the points you did finally get? Garbage. Almost none available. I remember the outrage on the forums. Blizzard didn’t care.
Then came the removal of flying… this has been beaten like a dead horse.
Guess what guys??? Blizzard isn’t listening!
If it isn’t clear to you by now, then it never will be. Blizzard does whateverthehell Blizzard wants. Period.
Sure, there are many, many good aspects of their releases. I love Legion. It was a great expansion. Battle For Azeroth isn’t all bad. There’s been a ton of improvement to graphics and basic questing. I’m also ok with World Quests and level scaling. But as a raider from Wrath… you won’t catch me in a Raid ever again. You won’t see me in a heroic. (mythic? hard? idk, I can’t keep up with that).
For now, I will enjoy the other aspects of the game but I will not be the player I used to be. Pre-purchased every expansion, subbed 11 out of 12 months every year. Bought plushies and hoodies and keychains… Not anymore. I’m now a filthy casual. I will play when it suits me.
Pathfinder for instance is a terrible unfun way of earning flying.
Once we hit Max level we should just be able to purchase it like in TBC.
CRZ is terrible, server community/identity is gone.
War mode is bad. Why change a good system after 15 years?
Layering/phasing ensures you never see people.
The catch-up mechanics ensure old content is never touched as people now only run the current raid tier.
War forge/Titan forge is stupid imo feels like gambling rather then earning.
Personal Loot is bad. The group killed the boss so therefore the group should decide who gets what.
These are some of my issues, off the top of my head.
PVP vendors are gone so I can’t work towards a goal
PVP stats are all normalized, so playing the game and earning the best gear is meaningless
There isn’t a doubt in my mind that sub numbers would agree with you, things are amazing right now.
“Retail has too much grind, I can’t wait to play Classic!”
“Retail class imbalance is terrible, I can’t wait to play Classic!”
“I hate having to wait for flying in Retail, I can’t wait to play Classic!”
“It takes too long to level alts in Retail, I can’t wait to play Classic!”
“There’s not enough content variety in Retail, I can’t wait to play Classic!”