I can't wait for M0's

And to have my lockout fluffed up by some zoo animal that does the first boss or two and bounces and now we have to find someone to pick up that’s fine with doing the dungeon with those bosses already dead

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Start saving up to pay people then.
Enough gold solves most problems.

Of course, that is assuming mythics aren’t like DF where only killing last boss gets ya loot.

it’s a daily lockout. you’ll live.

also, “GROUP WORLD TOURS” will be a thing. look them up in the LFG,

There’s always world tours. they’ll even be called “world tour”.

Yes I am also reasonably sure I won’t die from the ordeal, and I appreciate such astute observation.

mythics on these dungeons are going to suck, there already awful now.

They are incredibly easy rn what are you talkin about?

Last expansion when they squished key levels down the start of season was a bit of a train wreck because people underestimated it and weren’t prepared to actually have to know the dungeon a little bit. Pugs got farmed until they either caught on or quit.

That’s probably gonna happen again.

Ya the average wow player is bad, nothing new there.