I can't take this no more

No… But your initial argument was

A: This thing (RFD) was a major draw for WOTLK
B: (I assume) Things that are major draws should not be removed
∴ RFD should not be removed.

I took issue with A: RFD was a draw, which if invalidated then invalidates the rest of your argument. And I think I’ve sufficiently shown, at best, you have nowhere near a case to support that claim.

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I specifically said it was for me. And it was.

You’re the one obsessing about what impacted sub numbers. All I did was point out the inconsistency and hypocrisy in your arguments.


I think if nothing else I’ve shown my arguments are all pretty well grounded. I mean I’ve even bordered on (admittedly a very very simplified) formal symbolic explanation for you. I honestly don’t know how much more completely I could explain it. :man_shrugging:

What you’ve shown is that authenticity should have always been the determining factor. Personal bias is no way to design a recreation of an already finished game.

And the devs use the same flawed logic as many posters here. They want to talk about the importance of the community and getting players out in the world. And then sell 58 boost and 70 boost. You know, because nothing gets the world populated with players and form social bonds more than skipping 70 levels.

But apparently that boost is fine. That’s not a retail mindset. That doesn’t go against the Classic spirit.


Nah these people want to stick their head in the sand and pretend all the negative attributes about the game are perfectly fine. They want to sell you something that doesn’t even align with the core value system that we are being sold at this point. Classic was supposed to be enjoyed exactly as it was 15 years ago. That was the entire foundation of why we are here. But here we are with level boosts and literal cosmetic cash/gold shop that wasn’t around in the originals and this is supposed to be “community driven.”


Just because they’ve allowed elements that detract from the social aspect of game in other areas it shouldn’t mean that social impact is no longer ever a consideration in how future features are added, or not added.

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Ah ok, so monetizing the game to remove social contact is fine, just as long as it’s not for convenience… :face_vomiting:

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Also an example of a strawman. Getting it?

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I call it disingenuous at best. And the lack of lfd does not create social bonds. Simply look at TBCC to see that.

Can’t wait to see the endless buying and selling of dungeon runs in Wrath thanks to no lfd. Rip my enthusiasm for Wrath dungeons.

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Not quite as good as you being a misogynist :wink:

Boosting was a thing in Wrath. It was going to be a thing in Classic no matter what.

They’re two entirely separate markets.

Sure they are. Must be apples and oranges. A popular saying when people have no actual argument. The truth seems to be the devs’ commitment to the Classic spirit doesn’t extend quite as far as their open hand to receive the money from selling boosts.

This whole thing is just exhausting sometimes. All I wanted was an authentic recreation of Wrath, but apparently Blizzard can’t even handle that.


WotLK Classic will be on patch 3.3.5 soooooo

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Find a new guild or make new friends lol. I haven’t pugged in years. You couldn’t pay me to pug. I’m surprised you actually found tanks to do it for money.

Some people love this. It’s why we begged for a classic option years ago. Perhaps it is just not for you.

Best of luck.

I’m usually on the opposide side of any given argument from bearhands. I’ve had a few spats with him too. In this instance, I am 100% behind the OP as well.

But with that said, can you please point out exactly what he said that’s so called misogyny? I literally couldn’t see anything. Just quote it to me. Cheers



Lfd would have exactly zero impact on you. Form your group, queue with lfd, and the 5 of you instantly get in.


Oh, it will have an impact all right. He won’t be able to sell boosts on his mage alt anymore.

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How is it Classic if the game keeps changing?

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I think you’re right. That seems to be the driving factor for a lot of people here against lfd.

I used to laugh at people making posts about gatekeeping or how some people want to control and dictate how others play…but it’s actually true. And this is the side with which the Classic devs have aligned themselves.