I have an 85 mage I'm trying to get a specific belt on, for transmog. This belt comes from a quest in Thousand Needles. I can't get said quest until I do a long chain to unlock it.
I flew down to the boat in the middle of thousand needles, and there's only one quest there, that immediately sends me to tanaris. I levelled this mage loooooooooong ago, so he's never done any of the cataclysm quests. I can't for the life of me seem to kick start the thousand needles quest chains. Any suggestions?
The Breadcrumb quest to 1K Needles is in Mudsprocket (Dustwallow Marsh)
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You could get the addons Wholly and Grail. They should be able to tell you what prerequisite quests you need, even if they are in a different zone.
05/19/2012 03:52 AMPosted by XermageThe Breadcrumb quest to 1K Needles is in Mudsprocket (Dustwallow Marsh)
This breadcrumb quest isn't really needed, though it certainly won't hurt anything. For Horde, characters can start in Thousand Needles at Westreach Summit. For Alliance, characters can start at New Thalanaar. Both are at the far north west point of the zone, so they're very easy to miss.
I went to New Thalanaar and there is no quest there for me to start
01/16/2013 06:22 AMPosted by DrellI went to New Thalanaar and there is no quest there for me to start
Have you checked using the addons Wholly and Grail to see what they say you need to do to get quests in Thousand Needles?
Do a web search for Hero's Call: Thousand Needles if you're Alliance and Warchief's Command: Thousand Needles if Horde. The NPC that you turn those quests in to will also be the one who gets you started with the zone's chain.
Good bye friends!
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On my new toons, I jump off the high ledge in Barrens into the water in 1000 needles, then I head up river to Feralas, where all the fighting is going on, grab the quest for whichever faction you are playing, to kill x amount of mobs and then turn in at the person near the water… then they will put you in a boat and ferry you to thousand needles for the questlines there on the big barge, and completion of the boat ride will give you a boat mount usable only in 1000 needles. This begins your questing in 1000 needles.
It is needed to get there. Doing Loremaster right now.