I Can't See the Dailies in Vale of Eternal Blossoms

In looking up strats in Xu-Fu, I finally noticed there was a listing in BfA for Vale of Eternal Blossoms, and four pet tamers offer challenges there.

For whatever reason, checking my map in Vale doesn’t uncover any daily quests, or pet tamers. Can someone tell me what I need to do to unlock them?

There are no “world quests” in Pandaria, if that’s what you’re looking for?

This might be result of the Black Empire Assault event that changes the BfA version of Vale of Eternal Blossoms from its original MoP incarnation. It’s kind of like Silithus where you have a before and after status that are a lot different.

Visiting the Vale today, there’s just one pet trainer showing on map, no quests. Assuming you’ve gone through all the prereqs in BfA to open the Assault, NPC Zidormi at the Mogu’shan Palace lets you switch to a zone with World Quests and a different pet trainer.


I assume you mean that’s Aki the Chosen. She’s always there. I also see Thundering Pandaren Spirit, but he’s technically in Kun-Lai Summit. He’s also a permanent fixture.

But according to Xu-Fu, there are four Pet quests in Vale of Eternal Blossoms. Including Tiny Madness, Brain Tickling, Living Statues are Tough and Flight of the Vil-thik.

And yeah, there are a few zones with NPCs who switch from past to present versions. Like Darkshore.

And I found out about the Vale when I was looking for a pet that had Blinding Poison that was faster than Skrillex, the pet boss in New Tanaan. So, I went hunting Voidglowers. Waste of time. Voidglowers are pretty useless as a pet. Apart from Blinding Poison, they have nothing going for them.

I switched it to the past, because I assumed that’s where they Voidglowers were. My mistake. This pet is actually in the present.

You have to do the quest chain unlock in BfA for the Nzoth stuff. It’s tedious, and as far as I’ve been able to tell must be done for each character individually (at least I haven’t come across meaningful skips to get straight to the content since the last time I did it).

Ah, I misunderstood what you were looking for. The Living Statues are Tough quest is up today if you’re in the “Present” version of Vale, dropping 5 Magic battle-training stones.

Since you got a Voidglower, which I thought was only in the Present version of the Vale, sounds like you already opened up the Visions of N’Zoth content that includes Assault version.

It’s complicated. The world changes (whether you like it or not) as soon as you hit the level requirement, allowing you to pick up wild pets, but the quests won’t show until you progress the story and there is a bit to do to open up Vale.

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Is it as bad as Uldum?

ETA: Never mind. I just did all the questline and basically it turns Vale of Eternal Blossoms into another Uldum. The quest line itself wasn’t so bad. But basically, it’s Uldum all over again. Killing mobs with huge health pools. I’m glad I waited until I was max level to do all this. I can only imagine how time consuming this would have been if I had been level-appropriate.

Like when I got my Baa’l. I didn’t actually bother with the quest until I could fly in BfA. But all the while I was doing it, I kept thinking, “I can only imagine how horrible, time-consuming and difficult this must have been for those who did this before they could fly.”

Funny story about WoW’s sometimes overlapping questlines. Do you remember the quest where you’re trying to track down Wrathion? It starts at the inn in Valley of the Four Winds, then finally ends in Deadwind Pass? It’s the quest you start with in order to unlock the quests in Vale of Eternal Blossoms.

The guy who sent me on that quest in the Chamber of Heart tells me that I must find Wrathion in the Inn at the Valley of the Four Winds. And I’m thinking, “Wrathion’s on the other side of this room right now, you idiot.”

Yep. Tells me that I must go find Wrathion in the Valley of the Four Winds, and Wrathion was in the Chamber of Heart, on the other side of the room from us.

But in any case, I got them unlocked. And I did the Living Statues are Tough and the leveling stones. Wondering how appropriate it is to have Timeless Mechanical Dragonlings as pets, if they can basically steamroll everything. Seriously, don’t bother with the Decoy. Just Razor Talons and Breath, and he’ll die on your third Dragonling.

Does this new faction in Vale of Eternal Blossoms have a pet to sell me? I know Uldum sold me a pet camel. If they don’t have pets to sell, I’m not wasting my time building up rep with them.

The Windfeather Chick requires Revered with the Rajani and costs 300 Polished Pet Charms.

Don’t forget the Cursed Dune Watcher from the Uldum Accord paragon cache.

And the Jade Defender from the Rajani paragon cache.