I can't post on my main

Do any mods read this forum? There are a few posts like this one and I don’t see it being addressed.

I can’t post on my main on the forums.

Do you mean that you can’t select your main from the list of characters available to post with, or that if you select your main that character can’t post?

If the latter, can you reply even if you can’t start a thread? Is it all forums, or just certain ones?

If I click on my portrait on the forums, and go to change character, there are only 3 toons available. I have about 10 characters, including my main that I normally post on. Even in the search box, my main’s name doesn’t pop up.

For the last few days it hasn’t let me change at all…
When I hit change character button:
I get the loading screen forever. Ive tried letting it sit in an open tab on my second monitor. It does not even time out, the atom looking/load thing just keeps spinning until I close it.

Log out of the forum and then back in to get a new available character list. You may have to do this a couple of times to get a list with your old posting character on it but the list should be somewhat different each time.