Every time I try to loot the Bauble of Pure Innovation, I get an error “There is no loot”. From Wowhead, I see others had this problem and it was resolved for most a month ago, though some still say they have the issue.
I have tried the following:
I have tried on 3 characters, all on the Rexxar server
I have tried joining LFG groups to get phased to other servers to loot it there
I have tried disabling all addon’s
I tried to loot on Tuesday as soon as the servers came up after restarts.
Anyone have other ideas? I need 2 of these for mounts and have tried at least 30 times by now with the error. Very frustrating.
This might be a dumb question, but you have Sopranian Understanding researched and have done the quests to unlock the mount forge on the character you’re using right? Certain reagents and the mount patterns have been reported to not drop until this is done on each character, so figured it’s worth a check.
I appreciate the thought, but yeah, I have already made 9 of the mounts. Thanks though.
Just to add to this, I completed the quests to make mounts on a character on Turalyon and received the same “there is no loot” error.
Blizzard Support keeps telling me this problem was hotfixed weeks ago. Yet I continue to have the problem. Today, I logged into my son’s computer and tried to loot it from there and had the same “there is no loot” error.
Please help.