I can't log in to my rogue after logging out in Dornogal, but I can get on my alts

I logged off my rogue in Dornogal around 6:15 PM PST and now I can’t log back in, but I can get on any of my alts no issue. I’ve reset my PC, I’ve turned off all my addons, I’ve clearly waited around for my character to “actually” disconnect, but I still cannot log into my rogue

I’m having the same problem, have tried a lot of different solutions like resetting UI and repairing game files, still can’t log into my evoker but other characters are completely fine. I also have problems accessing my warbank on other characters if I try to log into my evoker.

edit: forgot to also mention using character stuck, and logging into another realm/character to attempt to fix it.

Same and the only response i got from support is that i have to wait 3-7 days

What a joke for a payed service