I can’t log in to any WoW. I have seen that more people are having the same problem, even for several hours now, but I still haven’t seen any response from customer support
Do you also have TDS
Friend, I don’t even know what TDS is haha
He refers to the ISP in USA i guess.
back to the topic: in Latam (Colombia) me and some friends are stuck into “logging into game server” it has been like 2 hours.
Oh, well. Then I have nothing to do with that. And well, I’m also from Colombia, and in my case, I have Claro as my provider, and my friends are playing without any problems.
it seems an error from Blizz, i have claro too and 2/4 friends of mine have the same ISP and they can’t log, the others two have another and they can log normally.
Yeah, but Blizzard still hasn’t said anything. I guess there won’t be any WoW for us today.
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