This wasn’t a sale, this was an opportunity to get an item. And yes, as someone said above, that increased subs. But the mount was the bait in any case. You also can see it like an offert if you want, where you buy BFA and also you get that mount. But use that item that is so special for lore reason, and make it limited, was a bad decision. I mean, that mount exist before WoW it self, we saw him in Warcraft 3.
I think that an item like that should be obtainable with any time restriction, and not use it like a bait or an offert.
It’s pretty simple. Exclusive expansion items have always been used since FOREVER! Are you going to also whine that you can’t get the Gladiators Mounts from each season because you didn’t play the game at the time?
You just have to accept the practice and move on. There is a ton of stuff I have missed because I did not play every single expansion, I’m okay with that.
Maybe because his name is hippogriff??
Maybe because since Warcraft 3 Kaldoreis mounts hippogriffs??
Maybe because looks like an hippogriff even if he have some differences that not make any sense to this case??
I don’t know, choose any one you want, i think that all are good.
Time limited exclusive stuff is absolutely awesome.
I have the mage tower appearances. I am so glad I earned them within that year and a half during Legion.
Same with the Teldrassil mount!
I kick myself for not doing Legion rated pvp, those set tints are absolutely amazing. I want them, but i did not do the requirements at the time. Thems is the kicks.
Soooo, your entitled to get the same rewards as the veterans who have been here 10+ years, is that it? You think its fair to the whole player base to be treated as if they are always new like you were? Is it not fair for veteran players to be rewarded for playing the game longer than you have? You sound like mr struggle…
There is a Lore Reason this mount and the Undercity Plaguebat are a limted time event mount. The Places they come from are both destroyed
One of the last of the great armored hippogryphs to escape the burning of Teldrassil, it carried the last few citizens it could to safety before collapsing of exhaustion.
One of the last of the giant bats to escape Undercity following the siege of Lordaeron.
But Tovi isn’t trolling? That is the Warcraft III hippogryph, in animation. The closest mount to that is actually the:
Which is still in the game. The Teldrassil Hippogryph is awesome, and I’m hoping the other low quality mounts get updated with newer graphics. But don’t claim it’s iconic because the only thing I think of with hippogryphs in Warcraft are the flappy birds that Tovi linked.
If you want cooler looking, updated model hippogryphs, then:
Glory of the Legion Hero
Court of Farondis cache from Legion
Recruit a Friend.
I’m sorry you missed out, but it is what it is. The mount is no longer in the game, it has a lore reason behind it. Mounts like this, the wolf from Siege of Orgrimmar, the moose from Archimonde, and the spellwing from Antorus, the Burning Throne are all time limited mounts. They were advertised as such.
Now, you should be asking that all the mounts be given the updated look that the unarmored Tauren kodos got. That I’d be cool with. But it is what it is.
Yes, it was a sale. It was a promotion. An incentive to play now vs later.
There’s nothing wrong with this. Think of all the commemorative mugs, t-shirts, key chains, and other knick knacks that you may have missed in the past. This is no different. Just because it’s “free” for Blizzard to make more, doesn’t mean that they should.
Scarcity has value to some, and it’s not untoward for Blizzard to leverage that. It’s not even predatory. It’s just marketing and business.
Blizzard would much rather folks play continually than pay a sub once a year to collect all the things they want to collect. So, there’s no reason for Blizzard to not motivate players to play longer and more often.
The escape is the BMAH. There’s always a chance it can be there in the future. Even the lauded ZG Tiger mount shows up there sometimes.
[quote=“Yanmei-grizzly-hills, post:51, topic:167672”]
One of the last of the great armored hippogryphs to escape the burning of Teldrassil, it carried the last few citizens it could to safety before collapsing of exhaustion.
Like my avatar i’m a male in real life.
Now add concepts like snowflake and SJW. if you are going to reproduce a cheap stereotype with out taking a more wide view of this issue, you must do it right.