I was reading in www.warcraftmounts.com that this mount was retired, and you can only get it by doing a quest that was launched pre BFA. I joined to WoW in BFA. Hippogryph is probably my favorourite flying mount. I don’t understand this, why the mount was retired? An why can’t we get it by other means now if the quest is not there anymore?
It was pretty clearly highlighted at the time that it and the Horde equivalent were available for a limited time
I understand that you weren’t playing then and I appreciate you find missing out on it disappointing, but there’s tons in the game that’s “retired”, it’s the way it is
Personally I find limited time stuff a little silly, the idea of “exclusivity” doesn’t particularly excite me. Having something that others can no longer get doesn’t make me feel any better about that thing, but those sorts of things have been around for a looooong time and I don’t see that changing
Because they chose to limit its availability to those who participated in the pre-launch event. Simple as that. There are tons of time-sensitive rewards like this, and they’ve given no indication (as far as I’m aware) that that’s going to change.
Because it’s an item, like any other, and i don’t see why i can’t have any chance to get it. I’m a customer like everybody else, i should be able to get the mount by other mean, not to mention that this is a remasterized version of a classic Night Elf mount, and for people like me that we like the old lore of warcraft universe this mount have an special value. This is like if the Orgrimmar Grunt set were locked for people who not played WoD.
I mean, i can get any most of the other items from previous expansions, why i can’t get this also?
I see, i think the same.
I’m not going to blame my self for not started to play WoW before BFA.
Listen, I’m also tired of all the “limited timed items” too, but that isn’t exactly an excuse for them to re-release this one item. Further more
Because its like the few items you can’t get anymore. Its not the grunt set, its like the legendary ring, the mage tower appearances, the legendary cloak, ect ect.
You can’t have a chance to get it because it was a special mount given out for participating in the pre-BfA launch event. If you didn’t participate, you didn’t get it. It’s a really simple concept.
It’s not a bad business decision, just like it’s not a bad business decision to have a sale for the weekend of the 4th of July. It a bummer for you that you weren’t able to make it to the store in time for the sale. It really is, but that doesn’t mean that having a sale on 4th of July weekend was a bad business decision. It just means that you missed out on the sale.
That will be good. The only problem is that i’m not from U.S.A and my local currency is weak compared to the U.S dollar, which means that buying it in the store will be very expensive for me, but i don’t blame to Blizzard for that, because is a just a global echonomy issue.