I can't get into servers! Im getting WOW51900238 for hours

I am having this issue as well. Load up Bnet, and it sits there chain online/offline. Open wow.exe, get to character selection screen, DC. My friends texted me, they see me my Bnet just spam online/offine…

Have done ipconfig/renew, flush DNS: nothing. Changed cache/wtf/config to …old to refresh folders: nothing. Deleted all addons: nothing. Done everything on https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/112213, nothing has worked.

Only thing that has changed recently is an Alienware system update.

Ibaralus responded to another post of mine (Recurring Disconnects (WOW51900319) - #14 by Ibaraius) I am doing this now, will update!

Update: Fixed.