I can't get into servers! Im getting WOW51900238 for hours

I open the game, characters panel, click on one and then its goes dc on the loading screen, been like 3 hours trying.

First question!

  1. what GPU (graphics card) are you running? to rule out recent GPU issues related to the instant disconnects this patch.

  2. have you tried power cycling your cable modem and router by removing the power cords for 30 seconds then plug them back in?

I am having this issue as well. Load up Bnet, and it sits there chain online/offline. Open wow.exe, get to character selection screen, DC. My friends texted me, they see me my Bnet just spam online/offine…

Have done ipconfig/renew, flush DNS: nothing. Changed cache/wtf/config to …old to refresh folders: nothing. Deleted all addons: nothing. Done everything on https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/112213, nothing has worked.

Only thing that has changed recently is an Alienware system update.

Ibaralus responded to another post of mine (Recurring Disconnects (WOW51900319) - #14 by Ibaraius) I am doing this now, will update!

Update: Fixed.