Hello all. I haven’t really played played my Priest since around Cata. I can’t find Mind Flay as a spell I can cast, but I see it referenced in the talent tree quite a bit. I have tried the search in the spell book and the talent panel, but nothing turns up. I can’t see the spell in WoWHead as a spell, but alas I see nothing. Any ideas?
Did you spec into mind spike? That replaces it.
It’s otherwise a core shadow spell that replaces smite when you spec shadow.
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I see that now, thank you. I didn’t catch the replacement when I chose it.
Side question but… there’s any viable Spriest build that takes Mind Spike and its related talents?
I don’t think I ever read a single guide suggesting it, and at least for over world activities it seems like a bad deal to lose MF’s snare.
There is not, no.
I might actually play my shadow priest now. I quit because I hated the mind spike builds, taking both MF and MS…it was just so bloated.
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