I can't find M+ group

I am a casual player, all I do is weekly quests/events and raid finder, the gear improvement at the beginning of season 4 is pretty impressive. But I want to get into more challenge content such as m+, but the issue is I can hardly find a m+ group as a dps with my current ilvl and M+ score, even if it is just M2. Basically if you want to get into a group, you have to have high ilvl and M+ score, but that’s what you want to have to begin with, inability to joint group such as M+ prevent you from getting ilvl and score, a vicious cycle. So that’s what i see it as serious problem for player progression.


you can go >500 ilvl just playing the game and doing heroics . I imagine you can get a mythic zero and push from there


Yeah. You’ve got 2 things going against you.

  1. 477ilvl and no tier bonus isn’t really good enough to do a +2.
  2. Higher ilvl players are farming low keys to get wyrms so you are getting rejected for the competition.

Realistically, you’ll need to farm LFR/M0 for a couple of weeks to get your ilvl up and your tier set before you have a solid chance of getting into groups.

Alternatively, you can start your own groups and hope you get lucky with the wyrm farmers joining you.


The hardest part about playing a dps is actually getting to play.

Hopefully, delves function as a roleless M+ alternative so everyone can log in and start having fun immediately.


I have my doubts that you’re going over 500 ilvl without doing 0s and normal raids.

I’ve been so lucky with drops this season that I have 5 characters over 485 and none of them has their 4 piece. :slight_smile:

495 priest without a full set makes me sadge.


Your current item level is 477. The gear that drops in heroic dungeons can be upgraded to 489. You can get a top weapon with 2 bullions. M0 dungeons drop 493 and these items can be upgraded to 515 (502 with Drake crests). LFR drops start at 480.

Reaching the mid 490s is very feasible without all that much effort. If you applied to a +2 in 495 gear, you’d have a much better chance to get invited. (And if you still didn’t enchant and gem your stuff, you might get kicked before the run starts.)

Gear progression isn’t perfect, largely due to the weekly loot lockout of M0, but it’s not all that bad. The problem is the expectation to start with M+ keys instead of starting with Heroic, LFR/normal raid, and M0 - that is what causes the problem.


Is that being lucky ? :face_with_peeking_eye:


Super lucky bro don’t be jelly.

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477 is high enough for 2s, the class brings minimal utility and isn’t a tank or heal.

Starting your own key and settling in for a long fill is probably your best bet right now. Crafting and the catch up currency from raiding is probably your best bet at consistent progression right now.

I shelved my rogue (this toon) because invites are nonexistent compared to other classes. Warrior, dk, monk, shaman, and DH invites were plentiful and I could flex into a critical role if I wanted it to pursue gear.


Oh my goodness, are people really expecting 495 for 2s? I’m not even that with timed 10s :angry:

All hail the healer fastpass


doing awakened content will help with that , not a fast process but can help solo players

You mean like awakened world content? Can’t catalyst those pieces though.

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That seems impossible? You were guaranteed 4 set by now. 2 catalyst charges, a vault and the token from AOTC/KSM.

I was guaranteed KSM by now? I’ll need to e-mail Blizzard and tell them that. Didn’t get my week two KSM, Ion, I demand compensation.

And you’re guaranteed set pieces in the vault?


its not that its expected its that you are competing against players that are 500ilvl farming crests. the reality is dps is a dime a dozen and when you dont have the ilvl or io your going to get passed for someone that does.

I think you’re right. I stopped playing dps in M+ when I realized it was going to take so long to actually play that I would have to log off before I could fill or get into a key. Lol

That’s why I believe m0 should give some rating. Expecting a leader to invite someone with 0 rating to what is effectively a +12 on week 2 is insane.

Heroic dungeons - 476
World events - 480/493
LFR - 486
Mythic 0 - 493
Mythic + 2 - 496
(These are just the base ilvl, they could be upgraded to 500+)

You - 477

Yeah appears you are skipping some steps, I would definitely recommend 480+ for m+2

I started +2s at 485 on my alt after following those steps.

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I don’t know if they expect it, but they get applications from people in 495+ gear, so they’ll take them. I healed some 2s that were harder to heal than my couple 10s, so I get why people seize every advantage when running their keys.

Are you doing 10s in sub-500 in a premade group? PUG requirements are generally higher.

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not rude, no memes or jokes…you gotta git gudder.

Your gear is barely good enough for M0, after the recent changes M0 = about M+10ish.
M+2 is basically a +15.

Not even a skill thing lol, just need more gear and upgrade it. Even my 490 druid is still working on pushing +2 to +5 and I am one of the best druids on that server. Not the best geared lol, just best skill ya know, no bragging or anything

But seriously, just run a bunch of M0 until you can’t get anymore upgrades. I find that, USUALLY, you can go and do each dungeon 1-2 times and get everything you need. Then upgrade your gear, and move on. Sometimes its slow going though, so just be ready.

If you want, I have to run some M0 today and you can come with.
Just add me, Errtu#11158. No jokes, I got you bro.

I got one of every class and can play virtually every spec at about a M+20 level, im just lazy and like collecting mog more than anything now lol.