I can't decide, Horde or Alliance?

Which of your factions are more friendly to pandarens? I’m trying to play the race for the first time in my history of the game but I don’t know what faction to pick.

What? There’s honestly a debate here? The Alliance is clearly less abusive toward their Pandaren subjects.

It’s… Not even a comparison. Maybe under the Horde Council things will improve, but my god, our recent Warchiefs haven’t been kind.




I heard the Horde loves their Pandaren. Especially the Orcs, Trolls, Tauren and Forsaken.

But nobody like the Orcs.

Unless you’re serious about endgame raiding or PvP, it doesn’t really matter.

Create a level 1 Human and level 1 Orc, then check out Stormwind and Orgrimmar, then make up your mind.

There are good people and jerks in both factions.


Why? Because it’s Horde.
Isn’t the Alliance any good? No, they’re not Horde.


If you’re looking to do Mythic raiding or a lot of M+, the consensus is that you should go horde since their player count is substantially higher in that part of the game.

Dunno about PVP, that’s never been my cup of tea.

IF you’re just looking to play WoW casually, it doesn’t really matter which faction you pick. Just play what you like.



I’d play both or atleast try out both.

Despite maining Alliance I’ve taken the time to unlock all the Horde Allied races too.

People do have a fair point, there are faster queue timed for some content with Horde and more progression opportunities.

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If you play both sides, you also get the full story in WoW.

Plus, there’s mounts to earn if you play both factions:


The Alliance welcomes the pandaren. But many players do not! And that’s sad bc pandaren are sick. :+1:


Pandas were a mistake.


OP, everyone knows that all the cool kids play Horde.

Do you want to be with the cool kids or not? That’s how you decide which faction to pick.

Run with the cool kids pack with the Horde or be a rebel and roll a vile and dastardly Alliance dog.

The choice is yours to make.

/moo :cow:


Do you mean people or lorewise? Lorewise i’m not sure why either are still here.

People, you’re gonna get hate from anti-furries no matter what faction you play.

If it helps, Pandaren always did seem like more an Alliance race, and If the rumors of them originally being an Alliance race in TBC were true, then theres that.

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Horde players hate pandas, alliance players could care less what your race is.

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I’m pretty sure Horde is the best place for Pandarens.
You are welcome!



  • You hesitate.
  • You play Classic.
  • You are a Druid.
  • Things like friendship seems important to you.
    • I assume you cry and have other emotions.

You should play Alliance.


To the pandas? Neither lol muahahah.
Join the horde, we’re better people.

Blizzard: “What’s a Pandaren?” :thinking:

I started off as Alliance and then went Horde pretty early on. I liked the people, storylines, and savagery of the Horde. I also liked the small beauties that are often overlooked.

However, people will be good to you on both sides. Just surround yourself with kind people and your faction will matter less than your community.