I can't create new characters (Not a bug, but me)

I know it might sound silly, but I can’t bring myself to create new characters anymore.

Let me explain: I’ve had this shaman for a long time. I have achievements with him dating back to 2012. I also have a Warrior and a DK, from around the same time. (I’ve been playing WoW since early TBC, but on my older brother’s account back then.)

The thing is, I’ve kinda gotten attached to these characters and their “past story.” Whenever I try to create an alt, I lose interest in continuing to level them because, in my mind, they don’t have as much history as my other characters, and I also can’t feel immersed playing with them. (Yep, I’m a RP lore weirdo.)

I think the only character I managed to level from 0-70 and gear up well was my Shadow Priest because I leveled him alongside my wife while teaching her to play in the early days of Dragonflight. But even then, I’m feeling dispirited about getting his gear up to date with Season 4.

As I said, I know it’s silly and they’re just pixels, but still, I have this block whenever I try to create new characters.

Edit: I’m looking forward to the Panda-Remix because then I’ll have an excuse to level something up, considering that the character would be created in a special event.

Am I alone in this madness?

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Yes and no. Old characters always hold a special place, but with new characters. You can create that history.

This hunter for example. She just started off as a personal challenge. Speed level, gear and ksm. She had no other plans or purpose other than that.

Hit max, geared and ksm all within 5 to 6 days and due to the journey, she became one of my mains. And has been my main m+ toon since mid SL.

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Kinda as I do have characters I cherish but I have got plans for Pandaria remix to (delete and) fuse my first two mains when I started in Pandaria. :spiral_calendar::robot:

Sorta like how I created Breakcog the warrior gnome from a warrior orc and monk gnome. :robot::test_tube:

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I’m a bit the same way, I have 6 characters that are “the old guard” that I’ll always find some way to do something with every season, and then I have “the others” that exist solely because I needed them to do a particular thing I wanted.

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