I can't believe they gave us nothing but recolors

Plunder Storm is already a thing a lot of people only do for the rewards and those are just recolors this time kind of disappointing


Just skip it, I haven’t been to Siren Isle, nor will I participate in Plunder storm. Think about it a few months from now it will all be irrelevant.


If plunderstorm is hated so much shouldn’t we be grateful that the rewards are just recolors?


I’m just happy that you can buy exactly what you want, no dumb long renown track to follow.


I already have over 600 mounts, i dont need +1 anymore

Same. I use to like it but nowadays I despise PVP. I also dont like battle royal style games. If I wanted that? Id quit WoW and go play one.

The recolors are the only reason I’m playing it.


If you have zero interest in a feature and the rewards aren’t desirable, you shouldn’t play it.

Having super desirable rewards behind a mode you despise is way worse.


I think I liked it better when people thought we were getting a pirate themed expansion.

the new stormrider set doesnt even go into collections sets but i got it in three matches so im done already

It did for me. Near the top of the of the armor set list. Strange that they didn’t put it with the under Plunderstorm sets though.

maybe i need to relaunch but it didnt when i obtained it

“Who cares, just recolor it blackish blue. They will pay us to play it anyways.”

Lowest effort I have ever seen and it’s amazing with the tools that exist in 2025 vs 2010 that this is all they can manage. Either they really don’t care to give an iota of effort or they simply can’t figure out how to make pirate armor sets in a timely manner.

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Considering there was a sizeable portion of the player base that simply didn’t participate last time, it makes sense to add some recolors and other items to the newly created Plunderstore, along with the old rewards for basically half the price. I would argue that this is how it should have been handled from the start. It’s basically a brand-new event in that regard. If they bring it back around again, then yeah, I’d like to see something genuinely new. But for now, I think they took the right approach. Gotta ease the people who weren’t on board the first time back into it.

Only issue is I want none of the dumb pirate stuff
At least you can convert gold to traders tendies
That way I can afford the dumb butterfly mounts and dresses I don’t want lol
This game has fallen so far :rofl:

It is reused assets (slightly changed) and filler content to show “they did something”, much like the Siren Isles.

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It does appear, but you need to collect all pieces. You may be missing the back piece, which is in a different category in the shop.

I remember when people played games for fun and not for some carrot-on-a-stick gold rush.

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If there was too much new stuff then people here would lose their minds.

Tbh… the loot is easy has heck to get if you want it. It’s just recolors but hey, it’s easy to get.

Just playing a few rounds and you don’t die right when you land will get you mostly everything if you played the first plunderstorm.

Really? You can’t believe it? Is this your first day?