So many years go by, I am going to keep this simple. As very few players have experience with player housing, I will bring some simple feedback. People troll it let them, does not bother me.
In swg with housing you could place it anywhere just about, only draw back was once a player took a break, you ended up with a bunch of unused buildings. I am thinking with the small size of the worlds in world of warcraft your going with phasing.
Ive seen this play out in other games too, but this is where they got it wrong. In swg you could hang any decoration, any way you wanted in your house. This met using anything you found in the world. A good example was this decomposed skull you could pick up, had no value in the game itself, but a bunch of them sure could make for a fine decoration in your house. How do you achieve this you ask?
Simple you use the old type command system in games. Commands such as /move forward, /move up, /move down, and then combine it with a drop down menu also. To keep such a system from getting out of control every building had a limit on how many items could be placed inside it.
Essentially it comes down to taking the best of both ideas and combining it for wow. I have a personnel hunch you plan on tying the decoration system to the achievement system, which failed. Its just going to cause housing to fail. You want this to succeed and people to do what they want, not what you want, but what they want to do. I suggest you combine the two for your housing.
I’ve seen some videos and things of ESO’s housing and that looked solid. Never played SWTOR, but I enjoyed Wildstar’s housing system a lot.
Anything that gives you level editor control over how you stretch, skew, scale, and place things is fantastic. Allows for a lot of creativity and repurposing of objects.
SWTOR is just a hook system, but it honestly works really well. You can rotate and move on X and Y axis, change hook layouts, etc.
It’s been a while, but I’m pretty sure ESO’s is free placement. And with Palia, you will get an error message of “you can’t place that here” or something if you’re tying to put a table in the wall of a building. lol
I also love how SWTOR has trophies and rare raid drop decos. Trophies are wall decos for bosses you kill for achievements on different difficulties. The rare raid drop decos are usually something pretty swank from within the raid itself. And those drops are on a separate loot table.
I’ve said this before but this game likely (still) has several expansions set for it’s future that are already complete. It’s just how fast it grew in popularity. It’s why we haven’t seen it just yet, it can get complicated amongst other portions of a development cycle. The garrisons were pretty neat.
The craze for in-game housing is likely something more recent in popularity - It might take a while for it to exist in Azeroth. I don’t think it needs it, myself - but it’s a cool feature. (EDIT: I now see that they are indeed looking to finally drop that one in, interesting!)
Ok, yeah that sounds pretty nifty. I haven’t played Palia, but I’ve seen several videos and played some similar(ish) games like Valheim a decent amount.
“Check back on the official World of Warcraft news site to get an eye on the blueprint for Housing today —we can’t wait for you to get your first look!”
Yeah, I’m kind of torn. I’d obviously like to be in a neighborhood with my friends and be able to check out their houses, but I’d also like to be able to see some of the public communities and what others are doing.
But I like the fact that it’s encouraging people to be social and build things as a community. I’m hoping they deliver well on that.
Will someone explain the hype about this to me? I’m not remotely excited to have an apartment in durotar unless it’s like haunted and I have to fight ghosts every time I go in there or some crap. I play this game for the adventure. Sitting on my couch in my apartment in durotar watching netflix isnt exciting
The best answer to housing placement, as well as internal decoration is: Animal Crossing.
Simple to the point, and better becuase you’d have full 360 in WoW versus the angled limitation that AC has.
But, seeing that AC is a game that its entire premise is about decorating your house, this should have been the foundation with which to build the system and furniture with.