I cannot get Ut-Nam or any Flightmaster to talk to me

I feel like I’m losing my mind. I’ve read a handful of other topics that have a similar issue, but the problem was always Addons. I’ve only just discovered what addons are, so I am not using them. I did even check my addons folder in case I was fully delusional; there’s nothing in there.

I can’t talk to Ut-nam or any flightmaster. I can click on them and they become a target, but no dialogue comes up - I can’t use them. I’m attempting to complete the ‘In Search of Wisdom’ quest, which has the requirement of ‘Speak to Kitemaster Ut-Nam’.

I did think it was strange when I tried to talk to the flightmaster in Pawdon that he didn’t actually speak to me - only unlocked the flightpath - and now see that it’s happening to every flightmaster I meet. I don’t know how to progress, and don’t know enough about the game to know if this is something obvious I’m not seeing.

I’m just sat here spamming both clicks and moving around/standing completely still to see if anything happens, but all it’s doing is targeting him while he stands there looking at me like I’m dumb. I also tried changing out of dracthyr form, removing pets, relogging the game, reloading the game, restarting pc.
I have heard the term ‘UI reset’ thrown around as a solution but as stated I don’t have any mods so I’m not sure whether that’s even relevant.

Thankyou for any help possible.

I’m sorry to hear about this problem. I’m used to reading about lots of things that don’t act as newcomers expect, but I haven’t heard about this before.

I just sent my mage to Ut-Nam, and I can confirm that he will talk to me with either a right-click or a left-click. My instinct is to right-click, but both work. All he says is “Where would you like to travel today” and my only response is to click “Show me where I can fly”, whereupon I get the flight map.

In your case, with the quest, he should also be offering you an option to be sent to Dawn’s Blossom.

As I say, I have never heard of a malfunction with a flight master.

The only thing that occurs to me is that your mouse buttons may not be set to Interact. Which would be odd, but I can’t think of anything else.

If you hit Escape, you get the main menu.

Then choose Options.

Verify that Interact on Left-Click is ticked. (This is optional, but let’s be sure in this case.)

Looking down a bit, I expect you will see Enable Interact Key ticked. Just below that you will see the keys bound to Interact (as well as Right-Mouse). I expect one of them will be “F”.

Assumong that is correct, try this: Target Ut-Nam and press F,

There are several NPCs near named Pearlfin Villager. Click on them. Do they talk to you? (They won’t say much, just a sentence).

Go across to Lorewalker Cho. Do the same. Does he talk to you?

About 20 yards south of Ut-Nam is Eel-Charmer Shaoshu. He is a vendor. If you click on him, does he react by opening his shop?

The only other thing I can think, if they are all ignoring you, is that you are actually disconnected from the server. That can happen, but rarely, and when it does, your actions don’t go through and the server doesn’t send a response. But it’s rare that it happens at all, and very unlikely if you have logged out and in again.

Maybe I’m missing something simple and obvious, but do try these things and see what happens.

P.S. Here’s the Blizzard support article on resetting your UI

Addons are indeed the usual source of trouble, but several other things can go wrong as well, so it may well be worth a shot.


Afterthought: I no longer think it can be your mouse mapping. If it were, how would you be getting quests?

I’ve also noticed this is the Returner forum, not Newcomers. Have you reinstalled over a previous installation of WoW that you played before? If so, that would boost the idea that a UI reset might help, if there was some old data left over,

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I really appreciate the response. Sorry for not getting back to you.
I will preface this by saying - by some miracle, he actually talked to me. I quite literally tabbed out to write the post and tabbed back in; voila, the first attempt upon returning worked. I really have no idea. I’d call the ‘issue’ canned, but it’s still really inconsistent… talking to him again after getting it to work once brings the same result, plus the flightmaster near Cho has the exact same issue now. No idea why it’s so inconsistent/what could be the problematic variable.

Yes, I am a returning player - however, I have never uninstalled WoW on this computer and have had the same untouched game files since coming back (other playthroughs would’ve been on older computers).

Yes, just as a test I went around clicking everyone else in the same manner and they all talked to me as normal. I also (before posting) tried abandoning the quest and starting again. But, I understand you’ve deduced that already! :'D

All settings are normal as you have stated. I haven’t tried the ‘F’ key trick yet - I’m thinking maybe that could work as a get-out-of-jail-free way to force an interaction? I will attempt ASAP and report back.

Server issues kind of could be a lead? However, it’s very strange that all other questors/NPCs talk, just not flightmasters.

Thanks so much for your time anyways Gráinne :).

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If other NPCs are responding, it’s not a connection issue.

I’m glad you got it working, at least!

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Still having this issue but have noticed two additional things -

  1. Interacting with Left Click causes the character to ‘talk’; speak voice acted dialogue, but will still not bring up the flight map or cause any dialogue box to appear
  2. (and this is also being a major problem, almost needs a thread of its own) I cannot use any abilities while riding on a mount. I am currently doing the dragonriding quest in which it wants me to learn my mount - I cannot use the ‘Surge Forward’ ability - or any at all. My spell bar is still just my normal character’s spell bar.

Whatever about the other, this one REALLY REALLY feels like an addon problem.

I know you say you don’t have any addons, but maybe you should try a UI Reset anyway,

Please do that before you search any further.

P.S. While you’re in there, please also do a Scan and Repair on your WoW installation. The Scan will probably find nothing, but best to rule it out.

Make sure your install is up to date by checking manually, then use the Scan & Repair on the cogwheel beside the Play button:

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Just done both of these fixes.
As far as I can tell, flightmasters are working better - I spoke to Wing Kyo in Paw’don and he instantly gave me a map (better than previous attempts); seems to work every time at the moment but will update if this changes.

The mounts, however, still don’t have abilities. I’ve tried a few different mounts and also the dragon form flying but none of them have any abilities still.

I will say; I do have Curseforge installed, but only for Sims 4 Custom Content, and don’t have a profile for WoW addons - I have pre-emptively also disabled the program from interacting with my games folder at all before re-opening WoW post UI reset - would this potentially still create issues regardless of never having used it with WoW? It doesn’t sound possible, but it may be a known issue I’m unaware of.

Additional context - my character is a Timerunner. I have yet to test if these issues still persist on any other normal character. I’m just giving any details possible in case there’s something going on I don’t know (if there was, sorry for not telling you earlier :'D)

Thanks so much for offering so much help, I really appreciate it.

  • Adding that I have had Curseforge installed for a number of years (it’s not a new factor) without experiencing issues; I had last played a Pandaren character (from my first post!) about a year ago with the program installed without having these issues.
    Not discounting that it still might be the problem, of course. It would however be a shame to remove it due to the integration with my Sims game.
    I will do some research into whether or not removing the program will mess with those files I have and get back once I have worked it out/removed the program.

Update - uninstalled Curseforge, flightmaster in Paw’don still working, mount abilities are still not

I don’t want to scare you off addons! They are a critical part of the game. I prefer WoWUP-CF myself to install and update WoW addons, rather than the Curseforge client, but I have a lot of addons - too many, in fact. :smiley:

Just be aware that, especially in a new patch or expansion, addons can break as Blizzard changes, adds, and removes the API calls they use, and be prepared to mess with them, disable them, read Curseforge pages for bug reports, and so on. Once WoW settles down, they tend to work perfectly - at least until the next patch. We are just between expansions now, so in a period of maximum instability, where stuff is undergoing changes and bug fixes.

But in your case, I can believe this wasn’t about an addon proper, but something in Blizzard’s own Lua or settings that didn’t install or update right.


Now, when it comes to your Action Bar, I want to be entirely clear about this:

When you summon a mount, say a Highland Drake, youe main bottom spell bar doesn’t change at all?

What happens when you use a spell, an attack, from your bottom bad while mounted? Do you just dismount?


Looking you up, you don’t have the Renewed Proto-Drake in your collection of mounts.

but you get that as soon as you talk to Lord Andestrasz

Maybe you just haven’t got Dragonriding/Skyriding yet?

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All good :D! I at the moment have no interest in addons, just as I haven’t actually gotten far enough in the game to have seen enough to know what they’re for :'D

Yes, so, interestingly I could use mount abilities before completing Dragonriding. Only for a fleeting few tries until it just abruptly stopped working. The first time I logged in and created my character; I could. Every subsequent log-in session; I cannot.

I’ve done the Dragonriding quest/tutorial but couldn’t use any of the abilities it was telling me to use, as mentioned my quest bar was just my normal character’s spell bar. Pressing the spells tells me I can’t do said action while mounted. I can use space to fly upwards - but usually space (at least, from the small amount of time I was able to use the abilities!) would trigger ability 1, or the dash ability; it no longer does that at all.

I don’t believe I’ve gotten as far as the first link you’ve sent. I would, however, have the Blue Drake mount from the dragon riding quest (unless what you’re viewing hasn’t updated to show it yet).

I’m still not 100% as to whether I am just missing something, but it is very unusual that I was able to use the abilities on my gryphon plus dragon character for a short period of time and now just can’t. Plus, that the tutorial was telling me to use abilities that I just didn’t have access to. I just had to fly through it raw :'D

Fully clear: No. The spell bar stays entirely the same; three rows, two rows of spells plus Timerunner spells. Using a spell tells me I can’t while mounted.
I have repaired the game as you suggested and have done two UI resets; one with and without Curseforge installed - same result with this problem so far.

Resetting UI it seems, for the record, did seem to ‘fix’ (do not want to jinx it) the original flightmaster issue - so thank you immensely for that!! I’m so glad to have that working!

This is unclear to me. Where did you do it? Is there one in Timerunning, or did you do the regular one on a different character in Dragonflight?

If you open your Mounts screen, there should be a button on the middle (slightly right) of the top bar. It allows you to switch between Dragonriding/Skyriding and Static Flight. Try playing with that and see whether it does anything,

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I’m thinking there’s a different one for Timerunning?
I apologise, this is the actual new player in me talking. I have played the game before but not to a very high point…

There is a portal in Paw’don as part of Mists of Pandaria Remix which leads you to Lord Andestrasz, in which he gives you a choice of a coloured drake and teaches you to fly it. There’s a segment where it shows you gliding, momentum, and then a part where it shows you all of the abilities you can use while flying. In that segment, there weren’t any abilities present and I had the normal character spellbar/‘cannot use while mounted’ issue.

The game is under maintenance at the moment :frowning: as soon as it lets me back in, I will have a look at my Mounts screen.

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OK. I did have a Timerunner character, but since I already had Skyriding on my account, I presume, I didn’t get the tutorial.

However, you are supposed to get the mount before the tutorial - otherwisehow could you do the tutorial. So the fact that it doesn’t show on your list is curious, unless your armory page just hasn’t updated yet.

P.S. Or maybe not. The Timerunner version of the quest doesn’t seem to reward the Drake. Aaaach!

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Oh! No I did get a drake… a Highland Drake
I think it hasn’t shown up. Yes, you had to choose which colour you wanted before doing the quest, then it gave it to you to keep! Same as the normal one.

I am thinking now that this is a progress issue. There’s nothing other than cycle favourite mounts. So, I guess the bug/problem all along was me being able to use skyriding abilities in the first place?? Confused!!

I can’t thankyou enough for helping me and spending so much time on it. Sorry that the questions ended up being really trivial! I’m still unsure why I had addon symptoms for an addon-less game… but sorry for, in essence, asking the same question that’s been answered a hundred times :'D

Skyriding access has been buggy since the pre-patch. Try taking a character in retail into Dragonflight to unlock it there. That has fixed the issues for some people.

As for the addon thing, the default UI is just hidden Blizzard made addons. Sometimes stuff gets corrupted, which is why the UI reset is always a good thing to try.

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Udiza’s advice is good. :+1:

This is what I would do. It shouldn’t be necessary, but if you still don’t have a resolution, it is the logical path.

Take a character into Dragonflight. You can make a new one, or use one like your Monk that you have already started. You can start Dragonflight by talking to CHromie under the tree outside the Stormwind Embassy.

When you get to the Dragon Isles, there are just a few quests to finish up around your landing spot, and you are then led pretty quickly to where you learn Dragonriding. Dragonriding is account-wide, so all your characters will get it when you do it once.

Maybe that will solve your problem.

We’ll still be here if it doesn’t. :smiley: