I can guess with 85% accuracy which side is going to win before the match starts

Pretty crazy how much comp matters in these high mmr games


based on team composition or honor levels?

Mostly team comps and a bit of cr, someone with 2700 cr in a 2700 mmr match prob more experience and have more games at that level than someone like me who’s 2100 at 2700 mmr and played less matches

This also means you’ll lose 85% of those matches where you might have otherwise won, which means you won’t get as high of a rating as your skill really deserves.


Above 1700, match is won before the gates open. I see our healer is a Dragon, and a monk. I see 5 DKs or rets, or hunters from the same server and guild… Im like kick back, sip my hot coffee, this will be a chill game.

Huh? Not like I see the comps and just auto give up. Unless it’s like a temple and we have 3 rogues and enemy team has 3 dks 2 frost mages 2 fury wars to just blender everything and we can’t hold on to a single orb and they completely decimate us because Blizz decided to put all the paper classes on 1 team and all the team fighting gods on the other. We lost that one badly.

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It’s a psychological thing. If you already think you’re going to lose, you aren’t going to play as good as if you think it might be winnable.
And this especially doubles if you communicate this to your team. Saying “gg” after the first team fight is just making it even less likely you’ll pull off a victory because you’re tilting your team as well.

Yes, you might be right in that 85% of matches are already decided one way or the other no matter how well you personally play, but it’s those other 15% of matches that can go either way that you need to give it your all to win.
The problem is: you don’t know which matches are those 15% and which are not. You certainly can’t know that from the scoreboard before the gates even open.
Sure, they might have 2 monks on a CTF map and you got 2 holy paladins. So? Maybe those monks aren’t going to be very good, maybe they won’t go for the flag, maybe your team will do a good job at shutting them down. Maybe you can still win.

But as long as you think to yourself “this match is a loss”, you’ll play a little worse, which means you’ll lose more of those 15% of matches than you normally would, which makes your rating worse.


It’s being done on purpose and by design. Change my mind. My win/loss along with MANY others is proof. Too many people are either throwing the match or “don’t know” how to play. The odds of being on that kind of team nearly every game have to be astronomical. It is impossible to climb out of incompetent teams. Blizzard needs to do something. It is killing so many people’s passion for the game they sunk so much money and time into. The game feels rigged.

watching people who type that be DEAD SILENT when you turn a score around and win is a very interesting dynamic; sometimes they seem disappointed at the unexpected win.


This isn’t unique to WoW. It happens in all online games. People really overestimate their own skill level, while at the same time overestimate how good most players of a game are.

For example in WoW, having a 1700 rating in Blitz is considered to be “low” by many, yet 1700 is like in the top 10% of blitz players. If someone has a rating of 1700, they are going to be better than 90% of the other players in blitz but here on these forums it’s treated like that’s the bare minimum and anything below that is considered “bad”.

Assuming the matchmaker is doing its job (big assumption here I know, but again like I said this isn’t WoW specific), if you’re being matched with other players who make mistakes, I guarantee you you’re also making mistakes.

It’s the classic “every bronze player thinks they deserve gold and that their teammates are the problem”.


I got 1908 today. Climbing out of the 1600s is not impossible. Comp matters sure, your teams skill Vs the enemies skill matters for sure. No one person takes all the credit for a win just like no one person shoulders all the blame for a loss. Just try to play well and work as a team, and you’ll still lose sometimes. Cant pick all of your teammates so just gotta do the best you can with who you have.


Nah. I won a gilneas where we lost every team fight last night. Lost an eots by killing someone and they went to defend dr, woulda had both bases if we killed nobody.

The ratings change a lot depending on when and what season though. Late Shadowlands anyone? 1700 could’ve been average at times.

This is not shadowlands. Rating distro right now is there for everyone to see.

Right now 1700 is the 89th percentile, so better than all but the top 11%

The curve is pushing forward and flattening over time, as it should.

This is so true. Another reason why “designing” to specifically allow a few specs to be Fotm/OP because “we balance around 3v3” is a terrible system. A lot of people see what the other team has but they don’t, and it does have a clear psychological impact on top of legit gameplay disadvantages.

Had a rude awakening in solo arena today. First three matches of the season today; 5rnds won, 2 rounds won, then 1 round won. Mages out here tearing me up in solo arena however in BGs I get to kill the mages.

I wouldn’t call gilneas a team fight bg, it can be, it’s somewhere in between ab/deepwind which are very not team fight bgs in fact team fighting those probably lose you the game, it’s all about rotating around yoinking bases. and silvershard/temple which are very team fight dependent.

Gilneas reminds me of EOTS where there can be team fights that win but also you can have a hero come along that solo yoinks a base and wins it for the team

I think both composition and honor levels matter when both team have similar MMR, but composition is more important than anything else in some maps.

Today my dk beat a team with two R1 gladiators in a 2600 mmr wsg blitz. Their resto druid fc was actually so much better than anyone on my team and they dominated mid.

But we got 2 dks and 2 pres evokers, while their only fc option was that druid. It was not a fair game imho.

Yeah the CTF maps are the most comp dependent maps in the game. If other team has 2 DKs and a Rog with MW and yours don’t, might as well just alt tab and watch a movie while you lose. It’s actually insane how much a DK and MW makes a difference in CTF one has infinite mobility and the other takes away all of your mobility.

I completely agree with this statement. No one cares because this is the forums, but PvP is legitimately so bad in War Within/current gen retail that I am tempted to quit. I’ve been looking for other options to play for the last 3-4 days. If I do find a more valid or competent PvP game, I will be switching. That’s not a threat, not a ‘‘f-- you blizz!’’ it’s just the truth. I feel sad the game is this busted. It’s boring. Bottom line, low calibre boring.

Also, let’s be real. What other game is out there that you can join a round of PvP and your team literally gets 0 kills? … I don’t think one exists. In TF2, your team will still get 20-25 kills even if you lose. If you play League, your team will still get 9-10 kills, even if you lose. Only Blizzard games (Heroes of the Storm, Overwatch) have this unbalanced MMR/matchmaking system where you can join a game, waste 30 minutes, only to see your entire team get blockaded into spawn points with 0 kills by the end of the match.

In honesty, I just think that Blizz are fundamentally bad at making player vs player games. They make enjoyable systems with enjoyable mechanics with enjoyable buttons that feel good to press, but that doesn’t neccesarily equate to them being good player vs player games.

Also, I’m kind of sick of being the bait ball for Alliance to chew on in most of my games. I’m not dog meat, but this game makes me feel like Human dog meat the way the matchmaking works. I can almost imagine the Alliance going, ‘‘lol, the Horde super sucks,’’ in every game I’m in. It’s really discerning. No other game makes me feel this way and it sucks.