I called it!

I called it for Draenei and Troll heritage outfits!


…what other options were left?..

I call that next month will be January!


Pandaren perhaps?


Look out, we’ve got a modern day Nostradamus on our hands lol


Me too!

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Damn, I lost the 50/50 toss up between Goats/Trolls or Pandaren.

true I did forget them when I posted…
…and sorta fear Blizz has too honestly

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Not to rain on your parade but I do still think Pandaren could use a lil more love.

Seriously have they done ANYTHING with the pandaren leaders outside of just being where the allied races are?


I agree, but knowing Blizzard Pandaren are going to probably be mediocre

Chen, LiLi, Nomi and Lorewalker Cho have seen more attention post-MoP than our leaders have.


I’m mean for Chen and LiLi that kind of makes sense considering they are explorers.

And Lorewalker Cho should be doing more; Lorewalkers travel the world, he should be hanging around the Dragonscale Expedition

What they look like though.

Nomi looks the same as he did in Legion. He’s hanging out by one of the food vendors in Valdrakken.

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Meanwhile waiting patiently for pandaren heritage armor.

Pandaren don’t need faction versions since we’ve done our job helping the two factions get along.

We get our own just like everyone one else.




I know they won’t because the writers are cowards. But I’m still holding onto a glimmer of hope that they’ll shake up the formula with the Pandaren

As I said before, 20 bucks that it’ll be the same outfit but different colors

Calling it now!

Someone is getting nerfs and someone is getting buffed at some time in the future guys!

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Queue Anduin sitting down upset in the sands of Silithus and Thrall walks up

“You’re here to tell me I don’t get to hi-”

Chen Stormstout barrel rolls onto the screen

“NICE COLD BREW HERE!!! You look like you could use a drink!” Pops open a keg and starts pouring ale as they all drink to ignore the voices in their head and blur out the visions

THE WAR WITHIN title screen displays as Chen crashes through the screen.“You could use a brew too!”