I bought a 12 month sub, in July of 2024

I tried really hard to like this game again, I had to have a kidney transplant which went very well, I am better now, in July I felt like I wanted to play wow again, and so I started playing and it was OK. Same issues in the game everyone in the group that plays well is always a premade in pvp, something I really only play in wow these days.

I really really tried hard and thought after the free One Month I got for buying the game which will end in Aug. 2025 I think its time take for a long break after 20 years of playing it.

I had a lot of fun when I started that game at 39 years old, In 2025 I will be 60. I was a guild master at one, had a lot of fun with that, it is a shame that being in a guild again is not much, and blizzard has eliminated guild communities, for world communities. OK, nothing I care about, Today, only people in the guild I am in know who I am in game and out of game.

I like that peace and quiet, I can see this game running another 20 plus gears easy, give them a few years to get A.I. rolling and the game will get a new everything and you can still play your toon that got a well deserved face lift, it’s coming you’ll see.

After my sub done I am going to take another year off, I have a new project going on this year, and I need to put my attention towards it, and playing a few games a day of pvp just to get points to buy gear is about all I am going to be doing for say 2 hours a day.

And I am sure there will be weeks that go by before i am on again. I am just tired of playing this game after 20 years of it. Most of the game I have played last about a year maybe, wow amazingly enough my niece was a baby when I started playing it, we used to do this saying when there were World of Warcraft commercials on tv, it was fun, she is all grown up now, not married yet, but that’s coming.

The friend that got me interested in this game left years ago, I talk to them all the time about playing pvp with me, they never do come back to play, just blow off the game as always.

I don’t see a lot of 60 year olds playing these days, a few guild members fly on and off, my guild master is in his 70’s already. I’ll see, but I would like to thank the Horde for allowing me to play since I am an Alliance player, but pvp as much as I can for the horde, I have healed for the horde for year and do not feel guilty for any reason. The horde people are the same people as the alliance are. The horde have been the most friendly people as the people in my guild are. My hat is off to all of you great players!

The alliance, I don’t have a lot to say, I have played with some of the best players that no longer play one I would like to mention that I always think about is Einsteinium just a few out there like Lettus, Bail - you got to say his name with a long draw to make it sound right, you can call him TacoBail LOL,

All The Praetorians, what a great guild, My old guild The Legendary Crusaders, A perfect circle, Schadenfreude, and let’s not forget The 10th Legion.

All those people and only a very few are left that say hey, ever blue moon. There were different people playing this game when I started, it was Classic alright, When the priest healed the Angels sung, drove you crazy but was real cool. I saw people when they dueled their character would change into a lion’s head when they Roared, it was a /roar command I think it’s still there just not showing a Lions head anymore. Lot’s of cool things the game doesn’t do anymore.

Today, Like I tell people in pvp, It’s just game, I wouldn’t get so upset with it. When you turn the game off, everything disappears poof…

Airwen and Xissa
The Praetorians

Started November 8th 2004…


Oh wow, that’s huge. Glad you’re doing well.

It’s a shame the game isn’t doing it for you anymore. Hopefully you find something fulfilling out there in the world. But hey, your toons will still be here if you decided to pop back in in the future.

Take it easy! :metal: