I believe the pvp damage nerf will make certain specs no longer viable

For context i play sub rogue. I know everyone thinks that rogues do a lot of damage. I will tell you the rogues that are blowing you up are not sub spec, they are deadly brew/envenom pve spec. I choose to play sub because i enjoy the aspect of control.

i am 602gs with my pvp trinket on, so quite well geared. As of now the average person i find in wpvp will die during the last half second of my kidney shot if they have no pvp trinket. meaning that anyone with a pvp trinket who knows what they are doing will have plenty of time to counter my attacks, 5 seconds to be exact. So sub spec is not over powered by any means and we are not out here 1 shotting anyone like all these other classes, nor are we 2 or even 3 shotting anyone. but that is fine because we have lots of cc and control.

the problem is, since people are dying within the last second of my kidney shot, if i was to take any damage reduction at all, people would then live thru my stuns. if i have all my cooldowns, sure i can just blind and reset. but the issue is that in most pvp situations i will probably not have all my cooldowns. Such as STV and BG’s. This means that without my cooldowns, i wont be able to kill anyone as sub spec anymore and they will have a couple seconds at the end of my stun to be healed full, dot/fear me etc.

this pigeonholes rogues into playing deadly brew/envenom spec, which most of the pvp rogues hate because it completely negates all of our cc and control aspects. I believe this change will make sub only viable in wpvp if you have blind up. otherwise its going to be gg more times than not.

that is just my theory about rogues. im sure that warriors are even more upset. People seem to fail to realize that unless you tune specific abilities, all youre doing is giving certain classes who did more than enough damage a massive survivability buff, while nerfing damage of other classes whose only defensive was their damage to begin with.

clearly a flat damage nerf is an extremely lazy solution to pvp balancing in sod and is going to nerf some classes while buffing others. As someone with 0 alts and a desire to play only rogue it is quite frustrating to see what this class has been put through so far in sod. hopefully it really is only a test. however i fear the noobs will like it and itll stay.


This nerf is needed as it brings into line the ludicrous burst from boomkins, hunters, rogues, and ofc the class I play, shamans.


those classes all did way more than enough damage. the change will make them do still enough damage while also giving them a massive survivability buff


heh with the improved frenzied regeneration making it available to moonkin form they are gonna be impossible to kill without a healing nerf too.

but what do i know ?


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Looks like you need to learn to play rogue then and use your control , since they have more control than anyone in the game right.


i dont believe you read my post if this is your response


I read your post. You are just wrong. All classes do too much damage right now. It’s a good change. I’m sorry you play a low damage variant of rogue and YOU FEEL this affects your playstyle.


That’s a lot of writing for “I won’t be able to kill equivalently geared players before they can react anymore.”


if you read it youd have learned that anyone with a trinket has 5 whole seconds to react. i am playing a low damage spec


And that person is blowing a cooldown that most likely won’t be available as well. I read it…

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Why should you win because someone has a 5 minute cooldown up from an equippable item.


why should a change delete an entire spec?

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It doesn’t, you are just bad.

Good rogues will remain the same.

Just as with the WoR shaman nerf, the lightning shield nerf, good shamans were unaffected


im the top rogue on my server and everyone knows it. every rogue has agreed this will be a huge nerf to our class. this change will take a spec that did just enough damage, and change it to not enough. how would you feel if a change made the spec you play no longer viable

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I think one obvious change that does not come “evenly” is classes that can self heal, they can self heal for the same exact amount they could before, but the damage that is being done to them is reduced. Which isnt a 1:1 change.

I’m sure it will help in some areas but also hurt in other areas for certain things.


i guess we’ll find out if you’re right this weekend, when they implement it as a test and we get to see how it feels

It’s a huge nerf to everyone…

It means players won’t die so fast. Healers will be able to get heals off… It’ll probably be tweaked.

It’s a major change… You’ll adapt, I have faith in you.

this is some arent realizing, it is a massive massive buff to several classes and a huge nerf to some, an even bigger nerf for others. war/sub rogue being hit the hardest


You can absolutely play DB/envenom as sub, and you don’t even have to. But it’s still more than viable.

Poison breaking sap on application is a small concern when you’re trading to much damage for subpar runes.

lol be quiet, you have no idea what you’re talking about in the current state of sod pvp