I Beat the Dungeon!

I beat the first pet dungeon!

I’m so excited! And I just can’t hide it!

I managed to make it through the first dry run without even needing to heal, and I didn’t lose a single fight.

For the first three before the first boss, I just used a Nexus Proto-Whelp, Darkmoon Tonk and Teroclaw Hatchling, because I knew it each one would be a combination of Beast, Aquatic and Flyer. And I just put one of the three in the lead of each fight, depending on the first pet I was fighting.

Then came the lizard thing, Son of Skum, I think it was.

I engaged with it with just the pets I was using, first. Not to fight it, but just to see what sort of buffs it would have.

Like the pets in Tanaan, it had a buff that mitigated all damage by 50%, plus the magic pet’s ability to not take any more than 35% of its total health in damage from a single hit. I was going to use Iron Starlette, but not with that 35% restriction. I’d have to hit Wind-Up six times in a row before I killed Son of Skum and he’s got an Elemental attack.

So, a Beast pet with a Magic Pet’s ability. “Cheater! Cheater! Grade repeater!”

So, I used the same strat that works so well on most of the pets in Tanaan: Ikky, followed up with Anubisath Idol. Even if Ikky could not beat the boss pet, Anubisath Idol’s Sandstorm finished the job.

The next pets were those three white cobra-looking things. I have no idea who Lady Anacondra or Lord Pythas is. But I figured I would meet them later. I didn’t. And like Son of Skum, they could mitigate the damage by 50%.

I used Iron Starlette on the first, Darkmoon Zepp on the second, and another Tonk on the third.

Then came Hiss, who was another white cobra, but he was treated as another stage. I engaged again, to see if he was buffed, and he’s got the same 35% Magic pet ability.


So, as I did with Son of Skum, I decided “death by 1000 paper cuts” was the way to go, so Lil Bling, Make it Rain and Inflation.

And for back up, I used Dream Whelpling and Anubisath, the same ones for all four, since they weren’t taking much damage.

For the Growing Sprores, I used an MPD, Decoy and Breath until the Magic blob was dead. Then Thunderbolt on the other two. (The damage would have been too mitigated if it used it on the blob at first. Besides, Breath does extra damage on Magic pets.)

Then there was this Shadowy figure. I don’t remember reading about him. Obviously a Tauren, since he said, “Peace, friend” when I clicked on him.

But he didn’t seem to be interested in fighting anyway. He just tried to come up with a good catchphrase, couldn’t, then jumped off the cliff and flew away in a tiny glider that looked way too small for him.

The final boss was the only one who gave me any trouble. Syd the Squid won, but was not in good shape. And putting Dream Whelpling as a backup was a mistake. Dreadful Breath all but destroyed it. It would be dead with the first hit.

Fortunately, my Anubisath was able to clean up, but it was close. I had some favorable RNG when the Aquatic pet’s “Chomp” missed.

Second time around, no Shadowy Figure, and since I didn’t like Syd the Squid’s marginal victory, I went with snails, and lost.

So, I tried Syd the Squid again, and this time, I used his heal instead of Bubble, and put Aquatic pets as backups, so they could benefit from heals, too.

So, Syd the Squid did okay, killing the Spore and almost killing the flying snake thing. Then my Inland Croaker, with Blizzard and Ice Lance, mopped up the rest.

I got some leveling stones and pet charms. I also got Son of Skum and Jade Tentacle, which apparently was for earning pet achievements.

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Should be able to solo that entire encounter quite easily, I use the strat of Whirlpool on cooldown, healing stream on cooldown and tidal wave for filler

Okay, that’s what I did wrong. I was using Water Jet because it does more damage to the Spore. But Tidal Wave is better in the long run because it clears whatever it is that the Spore puts down.

I beat the second dungeon, too. That one actually seemed easier. I guess because fewer pets were doing backline damage. The only hard part was Captain Klutz, with the self-heals, stuns and a Humanoid’s regeneration.

Your enthusiasm brings me back to the first time I completed the Celestial Tournament.I was so nervous, and felt such a great accomplishment when I finished and claimed Xu-Fu.

Ah, good times! :smiley:

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Something else I should look up.

ETA: I just now finished it. Wow. That was like, ten times harder than either of the dungeons. One of the lower level tamers gave me trouble due to the fact that I mischaracterized the pets.

I assumed a Bandicoot was a critter. Nope. Undead.

Then the four major beasts. Those were awful.

It’s not that I couldn’t find strats to defeat them all. It’s that I was running out of “big guns.”

There are hard-hitting pets that can be relied upon to take down just about anything, like Ikky (especially paired with Unborn Val’kyr or Boneshard), or Iron Starlette. And with those new four top level pet bosses, I was running out of those high-powered options.

Yula was last. I don’t remember what I finally ended up using to soften him up, since he seems to be invulnerable to small hits, but I think it was a Zandalari with Boneshard, to do the Blistering Cold/Black Claw/Shattered Defenses thingie.

Then came Kun-Lai Runt, and after trying to freeze Yu’la failed, I used Deep Freeze. The stun worked. Either I got lucky, or Blistering Cold counts as him being frozen. Take Down to do some damage. And we were both down to like 15%. And I thought it was over for me. But instead he used his Emerald Presence, so I used Take Down again for the win.

I was very lucky.

I took Yu’la for my first reward since he gave me the most trouble. I lost to him twice before winning. I also lost to the Bird once.

I even defeated that obnoxious brat Tommy Newcomer.

I thought I would just go the standard Unborn Val’kyr/Ikky route, but he dished out so much punishment and forced swaps, Ikky was dead before the first round of Flock.

Then I got an idea that worked.

I took out my S/S Rose Taipan (which is a very underrated pet; you guys should have one) and had him go first. Blinding Poison, switch to Val’kyr, and Lil Oondasta’s first two attacks missed. Time to get CoD and Haunt on him. Then Ikky got Black Claw the first round of Flock in before he died.

That’s all I needed. I brought back in Rose Taipan. Blinding Poison, then Puncture Wound (which does double damage on a poisoned target) and Lil Oondasta finally died. And it was only my fourth try.

I’m so glad I beat Tommy Newcomer. Insufferable little twit. I hope he cried.

::: Waving good-bye :::

It was fun everyone. Thanks for the good times and the assistance.

I was hoping to get more done in this short time, but I don’t think I did too badly. I quested Baa’l and Jenafur, and I completed two dungeons and the Celestial Tournament.

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