I am wondering something

If I started a new toon with maybe 40%-50% heirlooms, playing 3 hts a night, how long it is estimated for me to level to 110? Does anyone have an educated guess?

How are you going to level? Quests, bgs, dungeons?

…or all at once?
If you’re not in a queue, its because you’re in an instance. If you’re not in an instance(bg/raid/whatever) then you are hip-deep in mobs and turning in quests each time you’re in town.

Go for max gains; the moment a mob/questline goes ‘yellow’ on you, time for the next zone.

Do it right and maybe less than 2 weeks, depending on various factors.

Good lluck!!

Likely quests and dungeons. Having trouble finding a toon I can RP correctly. I have mostly RPed in SWTOR, never here, and I am easily intimidated by good RPers.

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Yous is a strongs, independants, demon-dog elfs. Please no be intimidates.

PS - one days yous mights be as pretty as Kittys. Untils then, they’s therapys and stuffs.



You have a good set of brains to ya; that’s half of it!
And you got the spine to post in these forums!

Take it from this old Moon Guard crawler: you’ll do fine.

I need to find a guild that is noob RP friendly, not so big I have to scroll three time to get to the bottom of the list of who is online, but more than 3-4 people online consistently. I like to know the people in my guild, and build a relationship. Problem with RP is that my favorite toon is a DH.

There are a lot of great guilds on both sides that are filled with incredibly friendly folks. The discords are a great way to say ‘hi’ and to check the various guild channels to read what the guilds are like. Please don’t feel intimidated, you will get some people saying hello back fairly quickly.

Horde RP Discord:

Alliance RP Discord:

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Too bad Redwood doesn’t allow DH. I would be there quick.

And we would love to have you :wink: We have a few non-Taurens in the guild that play out as ambassadors of their people, but not Night Elves, unfortunately. Maybe some day!

How about an eager Illidari Blood Elf ambassador?

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