but 4 bags slots… woohoo!
no kidding, my bags always so messy
“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet.”
EDIT: First thing that came into my head xD
If all their wow players have a cellphone surely they will also buy their Diablo cellphone game.
Security is a secondary goal. The main goal was to make it harder to bot spam, which seems to have worked to some degree.
Truth is, the solution to botting and the problems that accompany it is difficult, maybe even unattainable.
This is a step in the right direction though
First of all I don’t take people seriously who use all CAPS. You sound like a troll. You sound like you are trying to skirt identification, which is really suspicious.
I’m glad there is authentication.
Ask your parents to get you a phone so you can play Wow. It’s that simple.
Calm down and have some cake.
Please calm thyself. The library will be closing soon. If there are any books that you have checked out, please return them within the next ten minutes. Please do not access the card catalogue. Thank you for your patronage.
Well Blizz started selling tokens then all the carries stared then all the spam, then people like you have to pay for it
Not really.
if anything I am seeing more now than before. I spent most of 9.0 reporting them while waiting for a CN group to pop. I didn’t see any in SoD raids for months until this change went in.
Botting is one thing, advertisements are another.
Eh not really.
You can solve the problem completely by just preventing free-form text entirely. However this requires they actually spend the time revamping the LFG tool to still convey the same info. More dropdowns, maybe label based phrases (“need”, “at”, “bossname”, “classname”, etc.).
All this has done was make it harder to form groups for legit players. The bots/ad accounts do not seem to be having any issues at all.
don’t have one …it’s numbers if enough say no…but too many ‘fall in line’…
You’re Dethpicable!