I am SOOO MAD, Bnet Authenticator Issue!

This is clearly bait. Falling for it is like falling for those censorship troll threads.


We already wait for 4 hours in LFG with a proper tittle for an arena partner, with out being able to specify what we want, i’ll never find the right people. Not sitting in que for 8+ hours for NO GAMEPLAY!!!


You obviously have internet access and Wi-Fi calling exists.


I’m not understanding how people think that treating “friendship” like running a temp agency is somehow the normal human experience. But you’re from Illidan. No doubt that is how you people think.


You can’t.

People here are going to tell you that there is, they are going to make a variety of suggestion for work arounds.

And I tell you don’t bother wasting hours like I did downloading, setting up and trying them with Blizzard’s system after the locked bag slots appeared because they will not work because the following, and only the following, is acceptable:

And yes, it is very frustrating. I cared enough about account security to buy the physical authenticator back in the day so if Blizzard had any other option than the above I would take it. They don’t. They expect you, on top of paying them, to also pay for a monthly contract with a cell phone provider for security.

It is arrogant and presumptuous.


There were still too many people playing. This will help fix that. No doubt their research showed them that the right people will quit over being unable to form groups to complete their content.


Hey Buddy, we already had this talk, but I’m happy to indulge you.

You’re taking the meaning of friend too literally.

When I say friend, I mean, literally anyone who is not a random stranger.

Anyone you have a connection with is better to play with than a random person.

Additionally, you can create deeper and more established friendships by consistently playing with the same people.

No. You are deliberately misrepresenting it. If you expect that everyone is going to start playing the game like a job because you enjoy that thought, you’re the one who is wrong.

People want to play with their actual friends. You would like to change that. I’m sure you’ve dumped more “friends” than you’ve kept because they were no longer useful to you.

The game is grooming people to be antisocial and not develop long-term friendships. You’re making progress on that.


Please don’t type in all caps, it’s not fun to read.

You don’t need cell service to use the authenticator, I live in a crap service area as well but my phone is always connected to my wifi. In fact, for a long while I didn’t have phone service at all but I had a phone that had the authenticator on it and it worked fine lol. Also there’s physical authenticators on the interwebs.


You’re just going all out with the projection, huh? You certainly hold a lot of hatred towards me for no reason lmao.

I would not. In fact, I suggested that people DO play with their friends. See, right here:

I have no such expectation

Get a phone.


If you read this in Daffy Ducks voice it’s HILLARIOUSE


You need SMS protect to unlock it, which creates a whole host of issues because blizz is extremely picky about what numbers they allow.


I don’t even know what that is lol, Google time.

You have to put your phone number on the account and allow notifications.

Was that meant to be hilarious?

Yeah I found this

and it says

It is no longer displayed as “SMS Protect” but simply as “Add Phone Number” for your Blizzard Account.

Which would explain why I’ve never heard of it lol

Didn’t realize they stopped referring to it is that lol

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I would just ignore that moo guy, check out the other threads, the guy jumps to conclusions like it’s an official sport and he’s going for gold.

The guy will go find a comment like “get a phone” and then say what you really meant was “everyone should leave the game and I hate you all”.