Right back at you.
The time is currently 1734507710, do you agree?
Right back at you.
The time is currently 1734507710, do you agree?
Back to the subject.
But first, do you agree that the time is currently 1734507965?
Back to the subject. Please stop trying to 404 threads by going of subject.
It’s interesting that you won’t agree.
I’m not agreeing nor disagreeing I’m here to talk about the thread. So, either go elsewhere or talk about the subject.
Yes, I know, you’re sitting on the fence because you don’t want to agree.
We finally come to a subject that you can’t disagree with, so now you’re refusing to engage.
Incorrect, I am in this thread for the subject.
I don’t need to disagree or agree with anything. Also, you are being a hypocrite again.
Again, sitting on the fence because you don’t want to agree with me.
You’re only here to argue. You can’t argue about this. So you are refusing to play.
You don’t want to scroll up and learn anything, so you’re being obstinate.
Nope, I’m trying to talk about the subject of the thread.
No I’m here to talk about the subject of the thread. I don’t bother arguing.
Hmmm interesting thigns to say.
No, I went and learned what it was about it just doesn’t matter because it doesn’t have to do with the thread, plus I already gave you an answer.
Then you should be able to agree that the time is currently 1734508620.
Sitting on the fence isn’t an answer.
It’s not related to the thread, so it does not matter.
Good thing I’m not, but at least you prove you ignore things.
It was a question asked of us, by another poster, which you conveniently ignored.
I didn’t come up with it, I didn’t change the subject, I’m just trying to answer it for them.
I chose to ignore yes because it was very blatant trolling. Now, back to the subject of the thread.
It was a decent experiment.
One which is providing incredible results.
No it was more derailing of the thread.
Only in that very delusion head of yours.
Why are you so afraid of agreeing with me?
Where did I say I was afraid of agreeing with you?
It’s an inference from the fact that you refuse to.
Even on a subject where you quite literally have to, so you’re doing everything in your power to not engage on that subject.
I didn’t refuse to do anything.
Incorrect, good try though