I am saying

Some people look like a man, but think like a child.
The game play you, or you play the game?
It is just a video game.

I’m truly sorry you see yourself as powerless and have embraced nihilism and have a hopelessly fatalistic world view.

But don’t confuse you with me, we are different people and if you put a label on me i’m not going to meekly accept it if it is inaccurate.

Especially not when you tell me to shut up because i’m powerless. That’s some forum only talk right there pal. But more importantly it’s factually inaccurate and as with other inaccurate assertions presented as fact, I disproved it with what came to mind quickly. You can like it or not but that does not concern me at all, but if you think i’m going to silently let you fan the flames of hopelessness to get people to stop advocating against something you want you were are mistaken.

No, i predicted what your inevitable reaction would be in the very post to which you’re referring. I’m not surprised that you’re a lawyer

I’ve already admitted that if it only affected me i’d selfishly boost a character…I hate leveling. You’re not winning a debate by making up your opponents position to suit your ends.

Since it won’t just affect me and it will affect the game I care about it’s an entirely different proposition.

As for what happens to Activision-Blizzard I can only hope that they fail once this classic era fades. They most likely won’t.

You are trying your hardest to sound somewhat intelligent, but then you are completely missing the point that they is just making fun of you. But keep on going, you are making this a fun read.


Sooooo just giving up on the whole “I WISH I could see you IRL!!” nonsense? Are we going to hear how you hate lawyers? Is 200mil just too big a number for you? Can you pay your own bills without your parents’ help?

Please, let us know so we don’t run afoul of your power of life and death.

PS - You only predicted that I’d mock you more, which is obvious, because you’re hilarious to mock. This isn’t grade school where making an easy prediction somehow strikes at our pride…

PPS - By the way…

These don’t mean what you seem to think they mean, at all.


Certainly not, because you dont have any. But are you sure it isn’t gradeschool?

I haven’t heard any of you even attempt the pretense of discussing the issue at hand in quite some time.

I should however admire your bravery, it’s not easy to step into a hostile thread and represent your interests versus 10 others. The way you eloquently defend the status quo of a 10 billion dollar company is truly inspiring.

That’s what I mean by of course you’re a lawyer, you’re naturally ready to bark when master is threatened.

And of course you can joke, just don’t presume so far as to think that I’m deterred. And get a dictionary if you think that’s not what nihilism or fatalism mean I guess?

The righteous victim spiel is getting old. Switch it up. Try harder, imo. You are almost to the sweet spot!

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Just pointing out that people can’t stop bringing weak arguments unless it’s to hurl insults instead. But hey thanks sweetheart ; )

You’re tiptoeing along the ‘fight me irl’ line, too. Maybe try a new tactic! You, and your great power, are SO CLOSE to awesomeness! Persevere!


Careful, duder. He holds the power of life and death in his hands.


If only he held the power of kindness. #carebearstare


I have much to be proud of, not that I care what you think little one :stuck_out_tongue:

We’ve already closed the book on it, you were too busy crusading against pandas and talent trees and arguing in favor of your almighty life/death powers.

Thank you!

And there it is! BTW when you argue about doing the right thing but you want to mock the basics of legal ethics and faithful service to a client, you just reveal yourself to be an ideological hack, and a child. You’d prefer I only take certain kinds of clients, not the ones you presuppose are “bad” which is just silly.

You’re not using them correctly, haven’t this whole time.

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Not born out in reality or this thread but hey, you’re clearly delusional about other topics so I shouldn’t be surprised here I guess.

You actually graduated a university?

Sorry about your reading comprehension.

Multiple in fact!

Ok, link it. Let’s see you tuck tail and avoid the burden of proof on your charge. Since you’re a servent of justice right

All the rebuttals found here:

Mine is included but you can see dozens of folks pick apart the whole “argument” about boosts.

If you have “the power if someone lives or dies” or however you wrote it then you are either nuts or a medical professional. If you are the latter you don’t actually have the power to let them die since that would be illegal and see you in prison for abuse of power/playing God/whatever your country calls it, we don’t pay our medical professionals to make that kind of call when they arrive on scene to help people.
Honestly you are super sketchy and I can tell that just seeing you on the street without knowing it was you would still be enough warning from your aura to send me across the street just to be safe. Maybe just let it go and delete these comments so this isn’t in your post history, its not a good look.

With the way that guy talks, all I can picture is he’s the really weird janitor at the hospital that no one wants to talk to, and the “power of life and death” was like a nurse asked him to take some ibuprofen to a patient’s room or something because there was literally no one else to ask, lol


Back on topic counselor. Show me where I was crusading against pandas and talent trees as your libelous quote above shows.

I knew you’d try to come back with some stand in instead of trying to back up your statement, you’re no better than Faelis.

It’s easy to try and make this sentence into something it’s not. This is about whether or not I as an individual have “power” that is defined in this context as the ability affect change.

That this thread has entirely forgotten the boosting topic and seized on this and now seeks only to play spin games with words instead of trying to argue the superior merits of their position.

I accept your collective surrender. Thank you and have a nice evening.

nah, he’s a fair bit better than I am, see I gave up trying to put even an ounce of sense into your head a long time ago, he’s still trying

