I am prompt for an Authenticator when trying to use group finder despite having one

I have an authenticator for years already. Why is the system not recognizing it?

It hinders me to not be able to customize my text for M+ groups. Did anyone else have this problem? How did you manage to fix it.

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By attaching both an Authenticator and SMS Protect to the account, as required.

You may be missing SMS Protect; it seems to get overlooked a lot. It doesn’t help that the in-game information doesn’t mention phone notifications as well, but here’s the current support article.

Otherwise, get used to listing groups without the ability to custom-edit LFG text

Meanwhile group finder is still full of carry advertising for RL money which is what this was supposed to prevent.


Blizz disrespecting actual players since 2010 ish.


Well I have both of it. Which is why I am asking about this problem right now.

It’s stupid that I can’t list groups because of a stupid bug. I’m getting frustrated.

I believe I saw one of our SFAs suggest removing and re-adding your authenticator and all of that, or a player who had done it and got around the errors of it not registering. Perhaps give that a shot? There’ve been so many threads of late, I’ll try and dredge it up to link. But in the meantime, it’s something to try at least.

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I have the fun version of this: since I use Cricket, Blizz considers them “prepaid”, which makes me unable to add my or my wife’s phone number to my account, prohibiting me from using SMS alerts, rendering me incapable of making custom LFG groups - which is 100% of my gameplay these days. So they’re limiting my gameplay by a ton, I can’t push my 18 key, can’t find an rsham for 2s, can’t do anything I want to do. And they just say “add someone else’s number” - 2 GMs have told me this is my only option. Posting here so maybe they change this.


Feel ya, hopefully blizz reconsiders this requirement.
Adding an in-game alternative set of requirements would probably even be better received and WAY less disruptive. Or a minimum /playtime before you can edit titles

For what it’s worth, the game wouldn’t recognize that I had completed the requirements until I removed the phone number I had in (which was correct) and re-verified exactly the same number.

A neat update: today I’ve reported probably 15 spammers in LFG selling keys and pvp rating, and I STILL can’t create my own custom games. This is UTTERLY ABSURD. Such a good system you’ve implemented… So fair.

Where are the replies from blizz employees? I guess this is their way of saying its time for me to quit, since I can’t play anyway.

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You can play just fine. The only thing that you cannot do is type in custom text. That is not game-breaking. It’s inconvenient, yes. But you are not locked out from doing anything else beyond that one small facet.

What do you expect them to say that they’ve not already said? There have been replies. Things are working as they want them to. Unfortunately, it’s not without it’s casualties, as it were, but this isn’t anything they were not expecting. Things are working as they are intended to work. There have always been some issue with certain providers, plans and numbers in how some were set up, but they are in the minority. For the vast majority of folks, it is either a non-issue or it’s working fine.

This whole thing is no different than when people got all up in arms over not being eligible for a pet or extra bag slots. But as I said in your other thread - it’s not just Blizzard’s problem to fix. Cricket says it’s not their issue. Blizzard says it’s not something they can adjust as it’s hardcoded into the phone/number/plan, etc.


Seriously, do you expect me to be happy with this response? You’re telling me not being able to make my own custom games isn’t game breaking, well it is, how am I supposed to find partners for arena, or post specifics for my key?

You say “tough luck, your issues are non-issues”. Good thing you’re not Blizz, though you act like you don’t care like them, so maybe you are. What terrible advice. You’re saying deal with it, that’s NOT GOOD ENOUGH for $15/mo. Daft?


That’s incorrect. Blizzard does not make this distinction; Cricket does not offer postpaid plans. From the Cricket website:

Cricket offers simple prepaid monthly plan choices with affordable add-on features to suit your needs. The Cricket plans are all no-annual-contract plans.

Your monthly payment doesn’t guarantee you will like all changes the company makes. Additionally, the technical support staff can’t adjust the new policy. They also cannot gather your feedback and pass it on to developers (they have stated several times in the past they don’t do this).

Instead, use #community:general-discussion to provide feedback to developers—they have a team monitoring that forum. I encourage you to provide constructive criticism there while steering clear of hyperbole.


You’re telling me I should be punished for using Cricket though. Essentially what you’re telling me. Its my own fault, right? Funny, since this was never an issue before 9.1.5, but thanks for pointing out that being poor = I should be punished and not allowed to create custom games, thanks! And oh, since I pay $15/mo doesn’t mean I’m treated the same, oh, that makes me feel better, thanks for trying to help with a real issue, never go into counseling, you’ll only make people feel worse.


Not a single person is saying that though. It’s not just Cricket. I saw someone over in GD say very clearly they had Cricket and they were able to set things up as they should be. There is some coding somewhere that is blocking what needs to be done. It’s out of your hands, it’s out of Blizzard’s hands. It’s something within the phone number itself in that whole network.

Actually, it was an issue long before. We’ve had several people come here because they were unable to set up things on their pre-pay and non-pre-pay plans.

It’s not a slap at you. It has nothing to do with you like that, no matter that is how you’re seeing it.


It’s out of Blizz’s hands, yet my authenticators for work (I have 3, for a bank) all accept my phone number with 0 hassle. As does everything else out there, Blizz is the only place that can’t accept my phone.

So devs, who control what’s valid, can’t use my phone number, when I use it for 3 other authenticators. Hilarious and pitiful. Gotta remember they’re only a multi dollar company after all, eh.

And mr Actually, no, it wasn’t a problem before 9.1.5, as I was able to create custom games to my heart’s content. Stop white knighting this company that has ZERO regard for you or me, its really embarrassing.


Mrs. Thank you kindly.

It’s not white knighting. I’m telling you it was an issue that other people who tried to set up their phones with texts long before they were required were coming here because they couldn’t.

For context? This article? Was last updated over a year ago.

See this line in said article?

Not that all pre-paid plans do not work. Just that they may not work. They knew it was an issue for some folks.

Those systems obviously are different than whatever Blizzard employs. Hopefully, Blizzard will find something that WILL allow all phone numbers to be valid.

You’re riding this as some personal assault or vendetta against you. That isn’t the case. You’re inconvenienced by the change. At this time, there just isn’t a workaround. I hope to heavens they will implement something. But in the meantime, raging here doesn’t solve anything.


No one is blaming you. However, the description of the issue and responses to others are disproportionate to the actual situation. Plus, arguing here serves no purpose, as developers are not going to see what you think of the new policy in this forum.


In General Discussion, I am 100% at fault and getting flamed. I think its just time to quit WoW and the unholy and toxic community that makes WoW so awful.


Again, that is your choice. You are trying to blame everyone else BUT yourself when it is YOUR decisions and actions.

I’ve no qualms with you trying to save money. Other people have posted and refute all these claims that it can’t be done explaining how they did it…then the argument boils down to why it can’t be done and all it really comes down to is people don’t WANT to…

And you know what? I say fine (not that my opinion matters really)…but I’m on Blizzard’s side with this one because I think it’s far past time we stop catering to every stupid nuanced exception and start letting those who can’t or won’t reach an already incredibly low bar as is get left behind. If you got a PC that can’t play WoW…that’s on you to fix. If you don’t got a phone with adequate data services to use the digital authenticator, well here is the consequences for that.

If you feel Blizzard is no longer worth your subscription dollars because you can’t write a custom title or edit the description text, then certainly take those dollars away and find a company who offers you a viable product and service for those dollars…if one exists. Companies can, and should adapt and change with the times and sometimes that means customers fall through the cracks as the product and service offered by the company is no longer what you want or can support…that’s fine, move on.

I do wish you luck since I do feel for you (despite you thinking I don’t). I’m just not going to be swayed by some hyperbolic nonsense trying to equate a loss in customization as being denied any access to said feature.