I am once again asking for Templar's Verdict

Ret currently feels like a total gimmick class in pvp. You either build entirely around Shockadin and rely EXTREMELY heavily on the tier bonus to deal burst or you run Exodin, and Exodin is a joke lol so building your runes around it does not work.

So instead of being a gimmick tier set burst class, and instead of relying on ranged spammable very low damage, give us Templar’s Verdict for the next phase.

If you don’t want to add any other system and just the ability itself, it’s simple. 10 second CD, 300% weapon damage as holy. Or make it only useable after a successful Crusader Strike, I don’t know.

Either way: Make Paladin melee again

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Paladins are pretty OP in PvP atm.

The reason Alliance keeps losing however is that Shamans are more OP.

Im sure that is the major reason they play to lose. lol

Why do horde play to lose in cata?

ooo, I’d say make it work like Mage’s Arcane Surge; drain all your mana and do X-amount of damage per X-amount of mana consumed.

EDIT: Since I’m pretty sure Verdict needed 3 Holy Power to work…been awhile since I played Retail.

We don’t need another strike, we have judgment Divine storm, cons and crusader strike for melee and only exo for ranged.

Maybe a buff where crusader strike proc the actual seal, but the rotation is full filled and busy right now.

You can grow up and stop wearing shockadin trash gear and Start wearing 4 t2 and 4 t 2.5 or pvp gear.

I’m doing fine in pvp with ret, would love Anti Magic shield for us before another buttom to press, its just hard to seal twist right now.

Ret has enough damage in PvP. Granted you need the tier sets to do anything but no need to add another damaging ability. I’d much rather see some dispell protection on seals.

To the OP, no one runs exodin in PvP. Exodin means fast 2 hander and expecting to perma reduce Exo CD by criting. We play with judgement, either 4 part T2 for a 3 sec. CD or the the 6 part T1 to stack Command and Martyrdom.

If you feel bad in PvP it’s prob because you don’t have access to those but once you do it’s much better. I agree though that having such mechanical changes stuck to a tier set is a pain, especially if it’s not your main character.

The reason the alliance keep losing is because Paladins can’t use cooldowns correctly to infinitly spin flags.

They just go back line and insta pop bubble and die.

Alliance should never lose AB but they zug harder than any orc ever.

Shaman tanks can spin flags much better thana ret paladin even with bubble and LoH, what are you talking about ?

I main a shaman as well. Yes, they can spin it well. But, Shamans fall hard to a proper CC rotation. Paladins can ignore CC fully with their kit.

Paladin PLAYERS not the class are the reason the alliance struggle.

The best way to deal with a Shaman tank is to fully ignore and CC them. But the alliance just want to keep hitting the shaman giving them aoe dmg and mana back. It trult is a lack of skill and understanding of the runes.

The hypocrisy is astounding. Sure it’s got nothing to do with the class it’s only the players.
Keep telling yourselves that.

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They’re sorta right.

What seal do you use in PVP?

I use Seal of Justice. You’d be surprised how often the stun procs.

You negate so much damage for a stun proc though. I play 4 part T2 for the 20% judgement damage and -5 sec CD with Martyrdom. You can even macro it in your abilities since judgement is off CD and it doesn’t disappear when you use it.
I like just having to refresh it once every 30 sec rather than ever time I judge.

Just make it so divine storm and crusader strike crits reset the CD and make ur next exorcism instant. It’s a decent enough boost to put ret up on the dmg a little bit.

Press HoJ…kill stunned tank shaman.

You’re welcome.

I’m giving you very sound advice as a R14 Tank Sham that puts you into an advantageous situation vs them. Ignore and cc the shaman. Shield blocks give mana and MSW procs. If you don’t attack them they are just using flame shock and earth shock. Will go OOM very quickly. Then they are just auto attacking with a 150 white hit dagger.

Except…I don’t have 4pc T2. I have exactly 2 pieces of it, and the bracers are only because of the Reals vendor. - I don’t raid anymore.

As for Damage, it literally doesn’t matter when you have Horde healers going uncontested. I’ve watched Alliance try and take down DPS while the healer(s) is(are) just free-casting keeping everyone alive.

That’s why I run Justice. Because I’m the only one, most of the time, glued to their healers using Justice stuns to interrupt (some) of their heals.

Plus, most Shamans run purge macros that are likely tied to the mouse wheel and they just disengage the wheel ‘restrictor’ and spin the wheel with a ‘mouseover’ macro to Purge.

So, yes, in theory running Justice puts you at a huge disadvantage. But in practice, it’s easily been an integral part of stopping a push to take a flag and/or taking a flag.

So best way to stop a tank shaman from spinning flag is to ignore them. And best way to beat them is to ignore them till they go OOM even with SR.

Shamans being strong all season has given all these brain dead shaman mains false confidence.

Just another grey parser giving their advice. Literal bottom of the barrel player.

Before shield nerf and AQ I pvped on my pally in BWL gear rocking coreforge tier with 2 piece drag let me tell you seal twisting with double judge was fun but now to the end of SOD you guys are in the end game where geared casters and range will just one shot everyone I do agree pallys need something else

Hell no. Go play Cataclysm. Templar’s Verdict would be ridiculously overpowered in this form of the game.