I am mostly for #nochanges but think duel spec should be added

Good luck staying in a serious raiding guild with that attitude.

But what if…we don’t want to be in a serious raiding guild? :thinking:

In all seriousness, though, there aren’t many guilds that bar people from not having the exact talent build in the exact right points. Most teams will just be grateful to have a healer at all, not gatekeep whether they aren’t worthy because they only have 27 points in Resto instead of 31. I have a 0/25/26 build myself, and it works fairly well for both soloing mobs and for raiding, with Imp SoE / WF Totems helping out significantly in the latter. It’s not good in world pvp outside of a coordinated group, but Shaman in general isn’t gonna do well in solo pvp unless you have at least 23 points in Elemental.

No :cocktail: