I am lost in Zudazar

I am playing a toon I haven’t used for a couple of years. And I am lost. I need to complete Ready for War. I cannot get a quest to do First Assault. I don’t know where I am, I had Explosives at the Foundry, but it would not complete. So I deleted to pick it back up, nope. No one giving a quest at the camp on the hill. No quest in Zuldazar at the boat either. no Quest anywhere except at Mechagon. Any Help? I seem to remember reading about a Quest tracker but i don’t know where that is.

As someone who went through this issue to unlock races for both factions, the best help I can give you is to say the answers to your problem exist, and it’s difficult for someone else to tell you how to resolve it. You will likely have to put in some effort to find them on your own. Not saying it to be callous, it’s just the reality of how many variables are at play. It honestly took me just as long to start the stupid quest lines I needed to unlock KT as it did to actually unlock them once I got started. Same with ZT.

Wowhead guides only help so much. The answers I needed I found in comment sections there and in old Reddit posts. Then it was all trial and error figuring out which ones were the right ones.

it holds your hand and guides you every step of the way.

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Appreciated, except it wasn’t particularly helpful. In the case of unlocking KT, none of those mention needing to speak to the herald in stormwind to actually get access to NPCs where the guides tell you they should be. IIRC there was a similar issue getting started on ZT.

putting your character info in here, will show you what you’re missing for each race:

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Check the map on this page, it should tell you where the quest giver for that specific quest is, if you dropped it and cannot find where to pick it back up.

If I remember correctly, Lilian Voss is the NPC who you are with during this quest, and I recall that this part was on or around a hill. Wish I could be more specific, it’s been a while since I did these myself. The quest pickup will not be in Zuldazar, it will be in Tiragarde Sound.

If you are in Zuldazar and need to get back to Tiragarde Sound, go back down to the ship with Garona and Nathanos and talk to Dread Admiral Tattersail, she should be able to get you back to the other continent.

I hope this helps. I’ll also link the guide for the War Campaign. Feel free to ask any other questions here.

PS, I don’t know if you’re doing this for funsies, to unlock an Allied Race, or to unlock flying, but pathfinder is no longer a requirement for flying in BfA. Just a disclaimer in case that is your end goal.

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next to your minimap… there are tracking options to the left of it.
open the fly-out menu, and select “trivial quests” (assuming that you’re higher level than the zone)