I am looking for a home guild on ally side, but would be starting 1 to get a new main. but want to be useful

Hello, I have a 70 lock (demon), I am not enjoying him. I want to play something useful. I thought about druid, warrior, DH, and Evoker (aug). But, I am not sure. I have healed, tanked in passed xpan. and DPS in all. but, I am not sure what is useful, because game has changed. I am not sure if I want to heal because its always the healers fault we wiped. And, tanking is kind of hit and miss. But, I also need to find a very active guild that will be welling to be give me time to learn and to teach me to be the best in that role and class. I am not expecting to be in raid up front, I know that spots are earned and I am late to the game. But I do want to see content. I am also wanting to make friends and meet people that I can have fun with. I am 50, so would like a Mature guild, but its not a have to be thing. Just want some people that are old enough to have some like views and experience’s as me.

As far as guilds I have looked on the finder but all the ones I find even if big, they are more or less inactive or none talkative. So, any suggestions. I am on Stormrage ally. And, Like I said I want to be useful but have fun with my character.

Anyways, any help picking a class would be helpful. I have watch videos, aand done some reading. but, its not always up to date and might not be what is really needed and fun.

Plz help.

and thank you all for the help in advance!

PS I also might look into Pally, Monk and Shammy. but those are late adds to the list but I am really not sure about this. Like I said I am looking for need fun class and a guild.

(Stormrage alliance) We are a guild that came together to give everyone a place to call home. We are currently small running M+ together and we raid 2 nights a week. So if you are interested in long discord talks about nothing and everything while running M+ with friends we are the place for you. We are raiding on Tues/Sat nights 8:30-11:30 server (est). In need of DPS

We are currently 9/9 Heroic

You can add me on Bnet Bloodhaven#1511

Hi Demonscry, “Insanity Raiding” (18+) may be a good fit for you. We have a number of members that are aged 50+, including myself (age 66). As for Discord, the members that do chat mostly hop on at night and weekends, since many members work. I’m on it though during the daytime, when I log online. But, I’ve found for most guilds that you can’t force people onto Discord to chat. Either they enjoy chatting or they don’t, and just want to type. As for useful specs, tanks and healers there is always a shortage of but tanks should always spec tank/dps (They don’t need to carry extra gear in bags anymore, as all gear changes to fit your spec, been loving that on my huntress that is duel spec MM/BM) since only 2 can be in a raid. For healers, evokers have totally fallen flat. Their bloom healing is only good for melee and ranged suffer (especially 40 yard hunters like MM) . Pallies and Druids can always heal themselves in any spec of their’s, so they are useful. But, choosing a toon should really be about what toon and spec you enjoy playing the best, because if you create a presumed useful toon, but hate playing it, what’s the sense of that. If you enjoy dps DH, DK, Pally, and Rogue all give top dps, and ranged Hunters (MM & BM, players love them because of all of the pets they can tame), Lock (demon & destruction), and Mages. I would advise looking at charts to see which classes and specs are at the top of the lists to help you decide. As for our guild we raid T/W 7:45-10pm EST, do M+, some PVP (BGs only), old content runs for mounts, pets, transmogs, TWs, etc. If we sound like the perfect home for you, you can contact me in-game for an invite. But, if you can’t catch me, just apply through guild-finder to “Insanity Raiding” (under raid, not social tab), and we will invite you through there. Hope to have you join our family w/ whatever you decide to create.