I am immensely frustrated at the flip-flopping on more classes/more races

After several interviews in which key members of the WoW team talked about the game reaching a place where your choice of race doesn’t affect your choice of classes, I have waited patiently for combinations like night elf/gnome paladins to become a reality.

So I’m a bit frustrated to have seen recent comments in which one of the key Blizz people more or less shot down the possibility of that happening anytime soon. It actually baffles me that the game has torn down so much of the faction wall (arguably THE key tenet of this game), but continues to hold onto this archaic mindset that only certain races are worthy of certain classes.

To be clear I’m not talking about Evoker/Demon Hunter, those make sense as being restricted as they are. But it is insane that nearly twenty years into this game, the original classes are still locked away from most races.

And talking about these barriers going away, on multiple occasions over the last few years, only to walk it back is deeply unfair to people who have been waiting literally years for this to happen.

The excuse that it will take a ‘ton of work’ to create those animations for the other races isn’t true because the vast majority of them already have those animations in-game. I can run over an engineering toy as a human paladin, get changed into a gnome, and that gnome has all the proper casting animations for paladin spells. The only thing she’s missing is a gnome-esque paladin mount.

Druids need their unique forms, that I understand, but if you never start making them on account of ‘how much work’ it takes, it’ll never get done. It just feels like a copout and a constant game of giving us just enough to keep our hopes up until someone asks about it in an interview and suddenly it’s all ‘oh, it’s so much work, not happening any time soon’.

I’ve said this before and I say it again: your team is so fixated on new, shiny, new, shiny, that it doesn’t even occur to you that some of us simply want new ways to enjoy the old things we already love. And it sucks, plain and simple, to be strung along on whether or not we’ll ever see things like new classes for literally years at a time.

The vast majority of WoW’s classes are based on fantasy archetypes that existed long before this game (or Blizzard itself) did, so the gatekeeping and have/have-not stuff makes no sense at all.

For this and other reasons I’ve decided to unsub from the game, as I’m at the point where being a fan of WoW is more frustration than fun. But yeah, maybe stop getting people’s hopes up if there’s not any actual intention of following through on things like this.

Because some of us are sick and tired of it.


Did they say the unlocking of classes wasn’t happening anymore?

Sincere question.


too long to read


One of their key people (I won’t name him as I don’t think that is allowed) expressly shot down the possibility of new paladin race/class combos happening any time soon in response to someone who was talking about wanting to make a Vulpera paladin during an interview, so effectively yes.


Priest, mage, lock, rogue, hunter, and warrior are available to every race, are they not?


Well that’s annoying because of all the unlocked race/class combos I want to make a Vulpera paladin the most.


Theyre refering to this i believe

With cross-faction being included and updated more and more in the game, is there a chance that race restrictions will be lifted? I’d like to be a Vulpera Paladin.

Michael Bybee:
Yeah, I hear you. I think a Vulpera Paladin would be really cool. You say race restrictions, we say a bunch of extra animation and artwork that we have to do to make that work for a Vulpera Paladin. Unfortunately, especially Paladins and classes that have a lot of extra abilities, it does require work from the team to be able to make that work. Every time we talk about it we feel super passionately about making that. But at this time, we are actually not ready to announce any additional Paladins or other class extensions beyond what you’ve currently seen.


Can you remember which interview? Even if it was with a Youtuber it still counts as one.

That isn’t surprising. The currently unlocked classes don’t have things like custom mounts, totems, animal forms…

I still want to be a fox paladin though. Also I still want to lean into race fantasy while playing certain classes.

Race-themed combat animations, Blizzard. Please! Glyph system is right there, we can do it!


To me, this reads as “Class assets are on the long list of things we haven’t gotten to yet.” It doesn’t really say “We changed our mind about opening classes to all races” like the OP suggests.

When Blizz first announced that they’d eventually open up all (most?) classes to all races, I was stoked that I’d eventually get to make my dream Gnome paladin. I’ve yet to see something from Blizz to suggest that that’s no longer in the works.


They even said originally it would take time. People need to calm down and have patience.


I believe OPs sentiment is we have had 20 years of patience. We HAVE been patient.

And to be honest, some of the restrictions never made a lot of sense anyways … trolls and worgen can be druids but pandas, arguable just as attuned to nature if not more, can’t come on.

I am in agreement on being irritated by the wait. I get it will take work, but it has been a long time coming. Put more people on it and get it done.


See, that’s a much more reasonable take than what OP makes it sound like. The devs are not holding back because of lore or aesthetics or faction conflict; they’re holding back because of assets creation workloads. Which is entirely understandable. Druids, Paladins and Shamans have always required extra work to integrate with new races: new forms, new mounts, new totems.

Meanwhile, as someone else pointed out higher up the thread, the “easy” to port classes are already pretty much universal: anyone can be a priest, mage, lock, rogue, hunter, warrior, death knight, monk, because in comparison these classes required almost no extra work beyond making sure the animations work on the different skeletons.


Relax OP, it’s happening.

The only classes left are those that have race specific assets so they need time to make them…

Just remember, we have LFD and maghar locks, so it’ll happen.

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If it’s going to happen they should take the time to do it right for these classes that come with unique racial aesthetics. I’d much rather see them take the time to design appropriate totems, mounts, etc than just see it all shoved in with generic and inappropriate crud.

Do it right or don’t do it at all.

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Monks and death knights (not OG, but still available) are available to everyone as well. It’s really just druids, paladins, and shamans, and the reason why we probably aren’t getting them unlocked is because those specific classes have additional concepts that would have to be modeled.

Each shaman race has a distinct set of totems.

Each paladin race has a race-specific crusader mount.

Druid shapeshifting forms are also contingent on the race played.

What’s more likely is that Blizzard doesn’t want to expend resources modeling these things for every race that is locked from those classes.

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After Dragonflight, and considering what TWW is about, Shamans would be the ideal class for all races to be released next.

Apart from totems and wolf form, most of their animations are generic I think, so no extra work would be neeeded there.

But even wolf form would be easy to change as you just match the form to the race: Night Elves get a Ghost Sabre; Humans get a Ghost Horse, Gnomes get a Ghost Mechanostrider which would be awesome!; Bloodelves get a Ghostbird (that thing they ride around on); Forsaken would get a Ghost Dead Horse…

I was excited about more classes for all races but gnomes got literally nothing. We already had all these classes, now everyone does.

I want to play gnome druid, gnome pally, gnome shaman, gnome dh, and gnome evoker! Yes I have (many) gnomes of all other classes :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Except talking about more classes for more races was only said in the last couple years, not 20 years ago. And they specifically said it was going to take a lot of time, right from the start.


They didn’t say “it’s not happening”, they said that it’s not a top priority.

Just because YOU think something is important, doesn’t mean it IS important.