I mean most of last week I was leveling my resto monk, one of my worst experience healing in wow, (resto monks are in a very bad place after the nerfs today!).
So I went from the worst healing class in 5 man to the best. Preservation Evoker is so nervous in 5 man!
I can catch up on tank any time thx to Hover, it really feels like a super blink! sometimes I even overshoot and pop in a group of mobs, often when chaining 2 hovers and misjudging the distance. And I thought holy priest was the most nervous spec, but Preservation Evoker is much more nervous in 5 man, holy priest only for raids. Blossom is so potent, even healing more than the target and for free on proc, and I am still discovering thing like the shared health via verdant embrace and lifebind that I need to use more often.
This spec is a total blast in 5 man, especially with a rude tank, and I already play as a resto druid, a holy priest and a resto monk. Preservation Evoker is the most fun to level in 5 man pugs !! a real blast!
My world is crumbling around me. Send help.
Well like anything else you can make it work but it’s a burden and it’s not fun at all. If the preservation evoker is super nervous in 5 man, the resto monk isn’t by a mile. Again, comparing the worst to the best in a 5 man context. And this is the context I am leveling in: a 5 man pug!
Your improper naming of the spec is triggering me
Mistweaver Monk ?? resto monk is shorter and everyone gets it
Actually MW is even shorter than Resto just for future reference and it’s actually correct lol
I prefer to play specs that don’t make me nervous in pugs, but I’m glad you’re having a good time.
(I’m loving healing on my monk and my evoker.)
Welcome aboard.
I lvled all the way as preserv on DF launch. It’s the best healing class of all.
Now with chronowarden It’s even better.
All your spells are unique, and you have some cool combos. Echo is a nice mechanic too. I wished i could pick every talents!
Pres evo feels really OP as healer when doing weaker content.
I don’t mean they are bad on tough stuff, but when healing requirement are low, their DPS is quite insane by pressing 2-3 button.
My Rdruid feel weak when I compare him. Its not rare to outparse some weak damage dealer in the group while leveling in 5 man.
it is incredibly nervous in 5 man, it’s a lot of fun !!!