I Am Having Fun Again

Is there anyone who has played this game for any length of time who has not had times of less fun than others? Maybe even extended breaks when it was not fun?

Right now it is really good, and will be even better in a few days. Coming off an expansion that was easily the best in a few cycles. It’s OK to enjoy it.

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Okay, I can see we are stuck in the weeds here, because you kept asking questions and I answered them, so. :woman_shrugging:t2: I guess that’s that.

That’s the point.

And the pope washes peoples feet. You think you’re too important to sift through some :poop:?

Just curious, in a war what would you say the percentage of actual fight is compared to the percentage that is logistics.

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I didn’t ask any questions lol.

You asked one right here:

We’re actually going to try to compare an actual war to the disney within?

Because you responded to my original post, that wasn’t a question lol.

I hit M+ hard enough to get the mount in S2 of DF but that was enough for me. I have guildies who are really into it and I wanted to give it a fair try.

It’s fun enough, if you like doing a lot of dungeons.

Girl, it had a question mark. That, by definition, makes it a question.

Look, I know you aren’t a real serious person, but could you at least try to answer some questions, just to keep up pretenses?

Yeah I really am enjoying the new content too. I feel like I’m keeping up well with all the stuff to do since they gave us a little time before the season starts. Something I like about this expansion that I think it does better than every expansion is how much my character is included in the story.

We see our characters in cinematics, we are refered too often and asked for help, the characters recognize us often for past deeds we did so far in the war within.

It’s done really well. :slightly_smiling_face:

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The original post has no question marks lol.

That’s true. I responded to your original post, which was a response to my original post, in which you asked a question after my response to you.

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Which is irrelevant because the entire conversation was in reply to my original post lol.

Well I’m glad you acknowledge it as a conversation because, as I said earlier:

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this conversation ya’ll got going…

Whos on first?

the namd on the band
the name of the band on stage


Can we stop talking in circles and move on as funny as it is. :rofl: :rofl:

I never questioned it, you did lol.

20 years have passed and Blizzard are still doing these types of quest that make zero sense for me to be doing. They’re just filler.
I just did a quest where I had to rearrange some potted plants and click some other clickables, and console some soldiers after a cutscene (which I skipped). “there there, it’s alright, you’ll be ok”. The Champion of Azeroth is now a janitor. Hooray!

Sabbia, I would like you to go back and read through the entirety of this hilarious conversation between us, because I think you’re really confused.

But I’ll leave it at that, so we can get back to the big picture. :stuck_out_tongue:

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it feels like there is nothing to do this expansions. all drama around heroic was cause they mixed player bases too much. so yeah in my eyes the expansion hasnt even launched yet. I leveled first day. geared 2nd and havent logged back on since.