I know that this will be construed as either complaining or childish reasoning, but I’ve had it with tanking LFG dungeons. People don’t respect the tank role as the one to lead and pull mobs. Instead they treat the tank as a fourth DPS and they pull whatever they want. This isn’t just a hunter issue, but rather it’s just really impatient people or elitist speed runners that think that, since they’ve ran a dungeon a million times over, only they think that they have the capabilities of leading the tank in the right direction. It’s really frustrating as a tank, especially someone that’s been tanking for a while now. I don’t know how to fix this issue, other than nerfing the DPS’s survival capabilities, but until it’s fixed, I guess the dungeon queues are just going to have to get little bit longer for DPS.
I ran some TW earlier on one of my tanks.
Pulling whole rooms to AoE down and get it dine quick. Still wasnt enough for this one rogue.
He died more than a handful of times because I would stop AoE so the mobs he was pulling in killed him.
Most of the time I don’t care enough about extra mobs coming. The times I do kinda care are when youre trying to skip 4 or 5 packs and dps just nobrain it.
Currently awards for tanking/healer in mplus does not match the effort of dps roles. I have played dps class since the beginning of wow release and tried tanking this season. Holy crap, the amount of abuse this role gets is obscene. I thought league of legends community was bad…but this is next level.
You don’t have to tank DSP pulls. Go out of your way to not hit and aggro what they pull since they are going out of their way to not play their role right. I personally run right pass whatever they pull whenever they do and usually that sends the message and they don’t try it again. You are in control of your cooldowns, not the tag alongs. What are they going to do? Kick you after they die? You can get in another dungeon group within seconds with, hopefully, more considerate people.
This sort of dps behavior stops pretty quick in m+ because the dps will just die.
This is a deep issue with how everything is designed right now. Imagine also being a new player and experiencing this? im having a hell of a time keeping friends in the game cause they get this kind of experience.
I’m not the strongest player - but I’m also guilty of this, for sure… In my experience, though, as one of the people doing this; I will only ever do it to chain cooldowns, like if tanks usually pull x and y packs together, but you specifically pull x pack, and we still need to do y pack and I’m still under Recklessness/Avatar - I am probably going to charge into the next pack. :\
It’s nothing against you or however geared you are, it’s about maximizing uptime on big damage cooldowns… I also would only ever do this if I knew I very likely wouldn’t die. Lol Timewalking is kinda busted in a lot of ways, but it’s also a lot of fun, and if you’re overly geared it kinda makes sense to chain things to get it done quickly so everyone can go on with their day.
Inversely; I mained tank for Shadowlands and Dragonflight. I understand your frustration entirely.
Like a lot of people have already mentioned I don’t think this is as big of an issue in M+, but I do see that it’s an issue for you while leveling and doing heroics & such… I just wanna say that when/if I do it in heroics/normals, etc - it’s genuinely nothing against the tank, it’s just me trying to save time.
Most of us are adults & that means having to go to work, run errands, do stupid bullcrap all day that we don’t really wanna do and when we get weekly quests like the 5 Timewalking dungeons, or “Run this dungeon on heroic/mythic” we’re going to take the path of least resistance and try to cut down our time spent doing that menial thing so we can get back to doing the things in-game that we do genuinely want to do, like running M+ and raid, etc…
I could concede a few points, though - maybe levels 1-79 players get a “DPS Role” debuff that doubles regular mob damage or something along those lines, as it would ensure no dps would actively want to outpace the tank, and put emphasis on letting the tank do the pulling, or at bare minimum force them to use misdirect/tricks, etc. This would stop it during the leveling processes, but of course level 80’s will still continue to contribute to the issue… But if a level 80 is in a timewalking/normal/heroic dungeon, those mobs are probably going to get burned pretty quick, anyway. Lol
I don’t understand. If your party wants to pull faster then just pull faster. If your dps can live, you should be fine as a tank.
One of tank’s duties is to put yourself and your party at limit, so your run can be complete as fast as possible.
Checks out.
I can point specifically to where this problem started, WotLK. We used to use sheep, traps, and sap, but then we just AOEd the hell out of everything in Wrath. When people got Ulduar gear, tanks would just sprint through Halls of Lightning. Then we got a bunch of classes and spells with a bunch of splash damage, so you can’t really CC.
You might as well just get rid of dungeon tanking and make everything like Diablo now. People don’t actually want a tank, they just want someone to heal them while they act a fool in dungeons.
Unfortunately, now you get the 30 minute Deserter debuff when they kick you. Thanks, Blizz.
I cant remember the last time Ive seen a role bonus notice on the LFG
I’ve actually been kicked from a m+ once because I asked them not to pull for me. Before the 60 second timer was up to port me out, I had already been invited to another key.
DPS can do whatever they want and live with being rejected constantly. Tanks are laughing all the way to the bank getting instant invites to any content they want.
At this point, I didn’t even step foot in a dungeon without at least 2-3 friends with me, and one of them is always a healer. If I don’t have anyone around, I just don’t run. Pugs aren’t worth it.
Tanks are less interested in run success than controlling everyone.
People like these should stop tanking.
Pulling extra mobs unexpectedly helps run success, eh? I’m sure it’s great when the tank gets gibbed or the healer can’t keep up.
Someone has to control the DPS since they can’t manage to do it themselves.
If people play as they are expected to play, nothing goes wrong.
You just have something against it.
Don’t confuse people walking into a pat, with intentional pulling of extra mobs.
I pulled for a tank in a +15, nothing bad happened. (S4)
If people played as expected, pug complaints wouldn’t be nearly as common.
Hunters and rogues MD so much, I keep the toys in my bags that block it so they keep their aggro and die. I know what it looks like when a DPS pulls by accident and when they go out of their way to do it. I’ve been tanking for 16 years. Don’t be coy.
Tanks expect people to play their way while not realizing they are in irrelevant content.
Lmao, complaining when people actually use their class kit.
Yea, don’t tank anymore for the public.
When people pull by accident, stuff goes wrong.
When people pull intentionally, it’s either overambitious, but it’s not wrong.
I love how intentionally dense you’re being to troll. People complain about lack of tanks, tanks post why they struggle, then are told to git gud, then complain about lack of tanks.
Something as simple as “let the tank pull” and y’all throw a temper tantrum like a toddler and blame the tank for being control freaks.
One more troll to ignore on the forums.
I’ve rejected blood dks because I didn’t want the class. Not lacking tanks here.
Anyone that deals with issues like these are playing in irrelevant content where if they played as expected, stuff would be done way faster with ease or it simply adds a mere minute to the run because mass AOE is fun.
Tank I ran with in Azure vaults +7-8 range were clueless. They went for like 140% count.