I am BEGGING Blizzard to let me hide my weapon while sheathed

There’s a few ways to do so as a workaround. The Vulpera heritage backpack, the cloaks in Shadowlands seem to let you. But I really want the ability to hide my weapon when sheathed. This is an especially bad problem with Vulpera now. On my Vulpera hunter every weapon is extremely large on my back and so they clip really badly into the ears. I’m sure other races have similar problems with weapons clipping, but I can only currently speak on my Vulpera. The problem is worse when running because the weapon will lean forward and clip even worse. Please Blizzard, let us have the option to hide our weapons while sheathed. And I mean it doesn’t even have to be an option in the menu, make it a transmog option I have to pay gold for, I don’t even care. I just really want to be able to hide my weapon when it’s on my back.


Yeah, I think it would be a good option. I sometimes use fist weapon transmogs on some of my melee characters just because of clipping issues with certain races.


Dont fist weapon on BE and VE clip our legs though ? :frowning:

All the upcoming Shadowlands back pieces hide your weapons.

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I am once again on my hands and knees begging Blizzard to add this as an option. Using some kind of backpack or back item to hide the weapons isn’t sufficient. I want to be able to wear capes again. PLEASE Blizzard, add this option. Someone get this to a dev, I’m dying here.

Still requesting this as an option. Please Blizz

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Once again requesting this option after learning the devastating fact that the new battlefield lover’s bow backpack item that comes in the new trading post DOESN’T hide the weapon while sheathed. Please Blizzard, FF14 has this option I am begging you once again for the option to hide my weapon while sheathed


Maybe a macro will be alright?

You can write a simple toggle macro to equip/unequip your weapon, and then bind it to the sheath key.

/equip [Your Weapon Name]
/run local s=16 if GetInventoryItemLink(“player”,s) then PickupInventoryItem(s)PutItemInBackpack() end

Does that work for any class?

And where, pray tell, would you be hiding those weapons?

The same place any other piece of gear goes when hiding stuff in the transmog menu.

Anyway, bumping again. Please add the option to hide my weapon while sheathed, Blizz

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And into the ground.

Remember the Highlander moves and TV Show? On the TV show in particular Duncan MacLeod would walk around with no weapon in sight and the moment he needed one suddenly he had a massive sword in his hand.

So maybe he could help. He usually can be found either in Paris or the American North West.

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you feel my pain, friend

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It’s the pain only a small character can feel. I had to race-change after I saved for the Magic Rooster by leveling and selling battle pets on Illidan, then realised that even my Blood Elves looked like they were crushing the poor thing.

This was a really horrible moment. I could either not use the thing I’d saved for, for years, because it didn’t look good, or I could main a Hobbit-sized character.

Well, they took Arcane Torrent away so they sort of made my decision for me.