Yes. Objectively.
Edit - For clarity, I am saying that anyone who clicks their abilities will ALWAYS improve if they learn to keybind instead. The learning part will be difficult at first, but after it’s second nature YES. Mechanically, there is ZERO competition between someone literally dragging their cursor around clicking on abilities to use them vs a person who can activate every single ability without having to even look at them. Not. A. Remote. Competition.
Anyway that anyone can play is great. All methods work just as good. It is impossible to come up with a best way to play.
How dare you say that clicking is worse? If someone plays with oven mitts on and blindfolded that’s not wrong. No one is ever wrong, elitist!
If you aren’t good enough to click you should go to a keybinder thread with those nerds.
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Personally, my dad is paralyzed from the neck down, and uses voice commands to use most electronic devices he owns. He has a nice gaming PC and does play Wow on it. I am immensely proud of him for not giving up on his passions.
With that said… its sort of terrifying to watch… or rather listen to him play. He has to say each ability in his rotation out loud and also use certain pitched tones to control movements. It’s both extremely impressive and hilarious at the same same hearing get excited and yelling "AHHHH EHHH TARGET WILD BOAR CHARGE REND HAMSTRING OOOOOOOOOOO CHARGE MORTAL STRIKE AHHHHHHH EEE OOO CHARGE VICTORY RUSH… etc etc etc for hours on end.
His way of playing is completely valid, and he absolutely loves his time in Azeroth.
Keybinds are better though. Objectively.
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I’m a nasty clicker! And I tend to do just fine.
keyboard supremacists are arrogant little bastards
i was a clicker for years and there really is only about a 10-20% performance increase at best
git gud
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Keybind players are just Controler players on a keyboard…
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